12, 𝐀 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐆𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐬!

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[ Chapter Twelve A Wild Guess ]

BELLE OPENED HER EYES once the brightness turned down, and her eyes widened as all of their parents began leaving the pyramid. Force was standing in between Tech-No and Mrs. Vox. Belle and Wild Card shared a smile as their parents posed.

"Wait." Missy spoke. "So our parents were in the pyramid all along?" She sighed and walked towards Ojo. "But I don't understand."

Belle walked forward and pulled Wild Card along with her as Ms. Granada, the president and a few of their guards joined them. "What's the takeover?" Missy questioned.

"The takeover of power... from your parents. You see, the next generation is always an improvement from the last." Ms. Granada told them.

"Things are not heading in the right direction on your planet." Ojo explained. "And you children are inheriting Earth's problems, and need to be able to fix them, sooner rather than later."

"It's in the best interest of the entire galaxy that life on Earth survives and thrives." The president spoke up. "So, we infiltrated both your government and Heroics headquarters so we could train you and accelerate the transfer of power."

"Oh, Belle." Ms. Granada said, going in her pocket and pulling out a familiar ring. The blonde's eyes lit up. "Catch." She threw the ring, and Belle caught it with both of her hands before she slipped it on her left hand, index finger.

Ojo smiled at the happy look on Belle's face. "As you've seen from today's events, it's not enough to be strong, powerful, or even magic. If you do not use your strengths together and with good judgement..."

Marcus leaned over and coughed pointedly into his hand as he stared at Miracle Guy.

"... you are doomed." Ojo continued.

"Well, that's a nice way to put it." Belle commented, blinking her eyes in the direction of Ojo.

"But I don't understand." Wheels said after snickering at Belle. "The clock hit zero. We were one second too late."

"The supreme commander knew down to the second exactly when the takeover would happen." The president said.

"Your guess was close, Wheels." Ojo said. "But not quite right. Everything on the ship wasn't designed for children."

"Oh, It was designed by children." Wheels realised, and everyone looked over at Ojo, the president and Ms. Granada again.

"That's correct." Ojo nodded. "On our planet, the children are in charge."

"That is so unfair." Belle mumbled to Wild Card, who nodded in agreement.

"So, you're their leader?" Missy inquired, staring at Ojo.

"Yes." Ojo answered. "Just as I knew you would be a natural leader, and that Belle would make an excellent co-leader. It's why I drew you both at the front of the class. So, from one leader, to two others, as we each head off to face the challenges of the universe, can we count on you to not just help save your planet... but the entire galaxy."

"Fuck yeah!" Belle exclaimed, before clearing her throat and pursing her lips. Wild Card snickered.

"You have our word." Missy said, placing her hands on her hips. "When you need us... we'll be there."

"If I'm sleeping or showering, then we won't be there." Belle interjected, making all eyes turn to her. The sides of her lips tugged upwards. "I'm kidding. We will be there — no matter the time of day."

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