Chapter Nineteen

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"How can you say that, dearest Castel? I harmed you, and your family. Said it yourself, you did." Arcus states simply as they fly with their massive group of dragons, gliding over the ocean. He gazes sideways at her, seeing her white shining scales, and her body, which has become a lot stronger after a couple months with him. 

I can't believe she used to be thin as a stick, Arcus thinks before examining the lady in Castella's talons, seeing that she's also looking at Arcus. He gives a small, tight grin, filled with all his spiky teeth, and she surprisingly returns the smile. It softens Arcus, and he gives a genuine smile to her, before gazing back at Castella, who is quiet. 

She looks mighty deep in thought, Arcus thinks, nevertheless, it's not surprising since she's so darn clever. However, I think she should have a bit more fun, more often. I can't believe that's still me thinking. Or is it her speaking through me? Who knows, and who cares! It's a wonder how she's turned my thinking around, and I'm currently happy this way. 

"Said that I did, I know that." Castella says softly, thinking, I don't want to think about the past. But am I still hurt since I haven't gone back and revisited the wounds? Should I, or should I not? Did I ever properly grieve? Is . . . is one decision right or wrong for me? Will it hurt more to leave his death, or just tear it all open right now, or think about it over time? Why so many darn decisions to make about one thing? And why does it have to be right after a battle with Arcus's brother for power? 

"Well, what do you have to say? Curious, I am about this. Matter to me, you do, and I care about what happens." Arcus says gently, surprising himself and Castella. She gazes at him, flying a little closer, and says with a growing grin, "I am sorry, Arcus. Thinking about the life these dragons have given her," they look at the lady in unison, "I am. Know what it feels like to be alone, abandoned, cold and hungry, I do. I just don't want that for her, and since she's young, you know?"

 "Know that I do, however, understanding it doesn't come as easily." Arcus answers honestly, green eyes squinting a bit. Castella gives a chuckle as she nudges him gently before saying, "No, some things just take time, Arcus. Frustrating, it can be."

"What do you think takes the most time to receive, but is the most valuable?" Arcus questions, already guessing that the answer is love. It seems to be love for a lot of answers, he thinks as Castella takes the question into consideration at his side. Is it just what people or dragons think love is going to be? Or is it because they know love is good? Or is it just some sort of automatic response, like when people ask 'are you okay,' and the response is always, 'I'm fine,'?

"Are you listening, you big handsome load of scales?" Castella teasingly hits his shoulder with her wing, bringing him back from his astray thoughts. 

He shakes his head before giving a smile, snorting out a puff of steam from his black nostrils before saying with a sly grin, "Have my attention, you do now, Castella. I'm all ears."

"Good, because the time you gave absentmindedly has given me a good era of time to ponder your question. I think that the most valuable thing is trust, and communication." She responds, looking at Arcus with a smile that's gentle. She gazes out over the sea and explains with a calm face, "When you communicate something wrong, things go sideways on you. Generally. You never get anywhere when you can't really understand what someone is saying. You're trying to get your point across all the while never listening to them, because you're too stubborn to hear."

Arcus nods before asking with his head tilted to the side, "So, you think communication is important, because it'll get you farther in relationships and businesses, right? Or is it more than those kind of things?"

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