Chapter Five

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A soft knock comes from the solid cedar door, coming to an already-awake Castella, who doesn't look as tired as she is. The dark grey blanket is tightly wrapped around her as she sits against the headboard in a similar fashion to last nights' posture while reading the bible. 

As Animbas sticks his head in silently, he smiles when he sees her reading. Castella looks up after a couple moments, her silver eyes looking a bit weary, but good for the most part. 

"Good morning, Castella. How are you doing this fine morning?" Animbas questions as he walks in, sitting by Castella's feet. She puts the bible gingerly down on the table and replies, "I'm all right. I could've had a better sleep, but I enjoyed reading through the bible. How are you, Animbas?"

"I'm great, thank you for asking. I've made breakfast, but before-" Animbas doesn't finish the sentence before Castella jumps out of bed in her white dress and bounds to the kitchen. Animbas laughs as he follows her, his eyes watching her dress as it flares out and dances in the breeze from the open windows. Castella plops down in a seat, looking at an empty table. No cutlery, no plates or glasses. Animbas walks in and explains before Castella can question him, "I was unsure of what you'd like to eat. So I thought we'd go out hunting for breakfast. I meant I made breakfast for myself, which was just toast and some homemade spread."

"I see. I was wondering what was going on." Castella gets out of her seat, pushes the chair in, and claps Animbas on the shoulder. "Let's go hunting."

"Sounds great!" Animbas grins before they head out the front door, standing under the porch. Castella draws in a deep lungful of air, the cold breeze feeling marvelous. 

"Are you alright?" Animbas prods after she's silent for awhile, just standing there with her eyes closed. She smiles and then replies, "Nature has always been my company, my residing peace. Like the bible says, 'On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.' "

"Psalm 14:5." Animbas completes it with a grin, and asks, "Do you like it here better? Or still the Rockies, because it's home?"

"I'm unsure. I like this place because it doesn't remind me of my grief, but the Rockies is still home." Castella responds with a gentle smile, her eyes alive with the love for creation. 

"Understandable." Animbas says with an unmaintainable smile. 

"What is it? You're looking like you're about to pop." Castella chuckles before Animbas says excitedly, "I can't wait to see your dragon form."

"Well, no promises on me looking fabulous. I was literally skin and bones before." She says before mumbling some words. Her body transforms painlessly and quickly, back into her thin and weak white body. Animbas doesn't seem to mind. 

"Holy smokes!" He exclaims before running over to her huge talons, admiring them. He looks up into her silver eyes, and sees the same friendly look. 

"Can you understand me?" He questions before a lower but similar voice comes from Castella: "Of course. Now, let us not waste the day. I'm hungry."

"Yes, yes." Animbas picks up his crossbow and slings it over his shoulder, starting to walk into the trees. He halts just as he crosses under some large branches, and calls over his shoulder, "We'll meet back here before sunset. Hunt as long as you need."

"Everything around here will be dead before I'm back to normal health." Castella chuckles before launching into the air, and Animbas watches her go with wide eyes. He shakes his head and wanders back into the forest as Castella scans the ground from twenty meters above the trees, searching. She goes away from the house as she thinks about Animbas's curiosity and how it's kind of charming. She grins with her huge fangs as his green eyes cloud her vision, and she almost misses a deer, but she's too starved to. She dives down to the tops of the trees and lands around forty feet away, her nostrils breathing in the scent of her prey. She crawls up behind the deer and spots it, but is stopped when her wings brush through the tree branches. The deer lifts up its brown head, the black eyes looking around frantically. It doesn't seem to spot Castella as she comes upon it, and continues nibbling the vegetation surrounding its small body. 

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