Chapter Eleven

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Actrino walks out from the cave with his mind spinning, wondering why Arcus lets Castella treat him that way. He hears Arcus call his name, and turns to look into his leader's big green eyes. 

"Yes, Arcus?" He asks, his gold eyes trained on him.

"I've decided you look way too surprised about Castella. Tell me why." Arcus says with a cool manner, his usual hot-headedness gone after being with Castella. He finds it slightly odd, and he's feeling that strange emotion that feels very new. 

Or is it old?  He wonders, I recognize it, but I can't think of the word. What am I feeling?

"I just think it odd that you let her mistreat you, Arcus. I've never seen you like this." Actrino answers honestly before Arcus beckons him closer, and he explains in a soft voice, "I let her be herself because I want her to be comfortable. I want to see how she behaves so I can figure her out."

"So you're playing a game with her." Actrino says before Arcus's green eyes narrow, and his lip is about to peel back into a nasty snarl when Actrino backpedals and explains, "I didn't mean a bad one, Arcus. I just meant you're being clever and using the skills given to you."

Castella hears this from deep inside the cave and mutters, "You've got to be kidding. A game? That's what he sees this as? Am I just his pawn in a game of chess? I may as well be a black hydra."

"What's wrong with those?" Arcus asks as he looks into the cave, quietly walking over to her. She rolls her silver eyes and says, "You know what I said, so I'll just explain it to you since you can't understand anything about me."

Arcus takes note of the sentence, right before Castella explains, "Black hydras are your servants. If you want me so bad and present me as higher than them, why play games?"

"Ah, so you heard Actrino." Arcus says as he lays down in the circle of light, this time giving her space. By the narrow of her eyes, he can tell that she notices, and he adds on, "I gather you're thinking I'll still make you do things for me."

"I'm not gathering." Castella shakes her head with a snort, "I know you will place me as lower."

"Why are you surprised?" He asks before she says, "I'm not surprised, you idiot! You think yourself as a king. For all your worth, I think of you as a dragon who should've been placed in the trench years ago."

"Why is that?" He asks, trying to figure out how he can remain himself as he tries to attract Castella. 

"Because you're deceitful. You lie, you kill, your ego is bigger than you, and you think anyone who isn't like you is completely worthless. That's why you're not nice to anyone, other than me." Castella's voice is hard and unforgiving, and suddenly, Arcus feels pathetic. "And you are only nice to me because you think I'm beautiful. You don't care about my personality." Castella growls with a flick of her tail, showing she's highly frustrated.

"Why do you think I don't care?" Arcus asks, his green eyes tilting sideways as his head does, showing he's curious. 

"Because if I was black, like a hydra dragon, you wouldn't value me. I'd be the same as everyone else. Boring." She snarls, her tone dark and low. Arcus dismisses it and her words, and changes the topic because he doesn't like the feeling he's getting. It's another one he doesn't understand, and he feels like he's eaten something bad. 

"You're back up to your health." He remarks before she tilts her head sideways with anger flaming in her eyes. 

"Thanks for just noticing. And yes, I am feeling better, if you care." Castella growls before Animbas's green eyes flash in her mind. "And smooth move with Animbas by the way." She adds with a sharp note, and this almost makes Arcus want to jump on her, and nuzzle his head in her neck. 

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