Chapter Twenty Two

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Holtzar's wings spread like a fan, a distinct 'stay away' posture. Castella gazes around, and spotting nothing, questions her new companion as she nudges her head against Arcus's, "What is it, Holtzar? I don't see anything that is a cause for concern."

"Human, there is. Small, they are, but they are unpredictable." Holtzar snarls, nodding his head in the direction of it. Castella gazes sideways, seeing a small human, a mere teenager. She has short brown hair in a faux hawk, brown eyes that look surprised, pants that are baggy purple, white and black, and a fitting black shirt. She's about five feet tall, and six inches from six feet, and has a muscular frame. 

Castella glances at Rastourious, who looks highly similar, save for the age and long hair. Castella watches as she dares to move closer, and sees that the girl is looking at Rastourious, who Holtzar is guarding like a mother bear to her cubs. 

Rastor tilts her head sideways as she looks at the girl, and calls as she crosses her arms over her chest, "Who are you? You look very similar to me, you know."

"My name is Finley Tranyo." She responds, head held high, undaunted by the massive dragons and their gaping wounds, walking forward slightly, looking at the 'fantasy' creatures and Rastourious. "I was just working inside the ship and saw you guys."

"And why did you come out instead of someone else?" Rastourious questions, walking out from under Holtzar's wings. He gazes at her and then puts his talons around her, pulling her back, keeping her away from the mystery human. I'm not letting her get close to anyone else, he thinks, never going to happen on my watch, thank you very much. 

Rastourious gazes up at Holtzar for the first time, and sees how incredible he is. Just in the way his eyes take her in she senses likeness, and grins, before turning to Finley as she replies, "Why do you figure there are others that would want to come out? Do I not look fit for the job to you?"

"Don't speak to her with that tone." Holtzar snarls before Finley says, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to talk to you like that. I'm just concerned with the weight you're putting on my ship. Is there something I can do for you guys? Or are you just passing through and need a rest stop?"

"Do you know how to heal wounds?" Castella questions, trying to get things back on track. Finley nods her small head after a bit, and says slowly, "I personally don't know how to, but I have someone aboard who can help you out."

"Perfect." Castella nods curtly before whispering to Arcus, "We should shift. That would help both them and us."

"How sszso?" He asks, his words slurred from the blood loss. His green eyes roll around aimlessly under his eyelids before Castella orders him sternly, "Shift Arcus. You need to."

"Mhh." He huffs, black lips hardly parting to make the noise, the effort making his eyes shut. Just leave me, and let me sleep for a bit. Just a couple moments, and I'll be back up to steam . . .  I promise . . just a couple minutes . . . 

"Gosh darnit! Shift, Arcus! Right now before you die and leave me! Shift!" Castella roars, surprising herself, Rastourious, Finley, Holtzar, and a dazed and dopey Arcus, who musters a soft snort of shock. Their eyes go wide before Castella snarls with a thick blanket of hostility, "Holtzar, shift and go with Finley. Get help from whoever, whatever it takes. I don't care if you need to sell your wings. Just get going."

"Yes, Castella. I understand." He nods his head before muttering the words, transforming to a tall man with a lean torso, and a mischevious grin that makes Rastourious stare out the corner of her eye. He fiddles with the black shirt he has on, which has a tennis ball yellow collar, and then looks at his black sweatpants, before saying, striding purposefully toward Finley, "Come on, Rastourious. Two is always better than one."

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