Chapter Twenty One

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Despite all the pain he's enduring, Stratois claws Castella across the belly, digging deep. He can feel her scales tear and fold against his talons, and soon feels the bottom of her guts. It gives him a sadistic pleasure, hurting her in front of Arcus, to make him feel more pain than Castella does.

It's enough to make Arcus end Stratois's life in a flash, snapping his neck with a powerful bang, though he would've liked to prolong it. He releases him just before Castella does, watching as his corpse crashes into the sea below. Castella snorts before putting her bloody talons to her stomach, feeling no pain yet. Dizzy from blood loss, she can hardly focus on her mate, but she does not miss seeing his wild eyes. Those eyes of his look like they could've come straight from the depth of darkness, Castella thinks numbly, but yet, still very handsome he is.

Over his dark, pearlescent shoulder that shines underneath the thick coating of blood, she spots dark clouds, and wonders if it's death or unconsciousness crawling up on her. This feels very strange, foriegn, she thinks as she blinks, thinking her vision is going fuzzy. Those are sure some funny looking clouds.

But as she peers harder, she sees that the clouds are moving, and a sudden, thundering roar comes from the clouds, hundreds of black dragons pouring from the sky. It looks like a black tidal wave that's dropping from space, tightly clustered together as if they're all one. Except for one lone dragon at the front, which has a melted tail, and blazing green eyes. Castella sees Animbas looking at her, and in complete surprise, sees him nod at her. It's a sign of respect, and Castella nods back, watching as more gold dragons start to come to Arcus and Castella. It's then that Castella realizes Arcus hasn't seen Animbas yet, and musters up some strength just as the pain starts to set in, her stomach burning like liquid fire has been poured into her system.

"Animbas." Castella rasps, spitting out blood from her mouth, staggering through the air over to Arcus's side. Things sway from side to side as she thinks, is this what humans feel like when they're drunk? It feels awful, as far as I'm concerned. I here, in this bloody sky and above the littered sea of dragons, aside my mate, make an oath to never have someone claw my guts again, sincerely Castella Altocumulous.

"What?" Arcus croaks like a sick frog, bringing fresh pain from his sagging jaw, which was broken with a powerful punch. He doesn't realize that until now, and puts a foreleg to his snout, feeling the lumpy bone. He knows it'll heal soon, but is nonetheless nonplussed about it.

He gazes at her white scales that are plastered in blood, and wonders if he will live to see them clean again. The multiple wounds are starting to stream blood, making him feel very overworked and exhausted. I've never been this badly clawed in my life, he thinks idly, such a strange feeling.

"Animbas." She lifts her head in a weird way, and Arcus hardly catches the fact she's pointing with her snout. Twisting his head around, he spots a dark, lone spot in the sky, followed by hundreds more, watching as they break through the clouds. That's a welcome sight if I've ever seen one, he thinks, mustering a bloody, lopsided smile that would scare someone silly.

"We'll need all the help we can get." Arcus gazes behind himself to see dragons from both sides falling, whether from being stabbed with talons or teeth, and his smile vanishes at seeing all of them hurt. They are littering the sea with huge masses of scales and blood, some sinking, some floating on the water like bloated and deceased whales. He wonders what it would be like to be on the winning side, and is about to voice his question when Castella weakly shoves him.

"What is it?" Arcus asks tiredly, rolling his head sideways to look at her. Sleep calls him like a siren calling to a sailor, and he's close to giving in, but his fighting spirit keeps his eyes open. Must not give in, I must not. Castella needs me here. I need her . . . but the sleep . . . just a couple minutes. I'll be back up and ready in no time . . .

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