Chapter Twenty Four

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"Then you are ready." Arcus smiles before stepping back, putting his hand out to Finley, who looks to Castella. The Queen crouches slightly to look to her in the eyes and states, "Finley, I've never known anyone so young to have a mate. But God decides, and I feel that Animbas is for you, and you for him. Do you believe that?"

"I do." Finley says without hesitation, no uncertainly dwelling in her beautiful brown eyes. She glances over at Animbas who is wearing a grin the size of the chesire cat's. Arcus slings an arm around Animbas's shoulders and whispers as Castella talks to Finley, "She's a mischievous one, Animbas. Just watch that big arse of yours, for she will beat it if you're not careful."

"Ha." Animbas snorts, laughing afterward, never taking his eyes off of Finley. "She couldn't fool someone like me to make me embarrassed later on, if that's what you're getting at. Tell me that I'm wrong."

"I'll do you one better, and say that you're so very wrong." Arcus laughs at the look Animbas gives him, and continues on under his gaze. "She will give you one bat of those eyes and you'll be sucked in. Maybe she'll be fiesty and untamable, which will make you only want to go after her all the more. She may fight you because of your ambitions, but it will only entice you more, and you will have no choice but to give in to that wild animal inside of you."

Animbas gets the sense that Arcus isn't talking about him anymore, and that he's talking about his feelings when he met Castella, and grins as he listens. Man, I wonder if that's going to happen to me, he thinks as a heat spreads inside his chest. Gosh, don't lose control now. She hasn't even done anything to me yet! Just thinking about her is driving me crazy . . . and she is merely feet away, standing right there. 

"You almost want to go against her wishes so you can get your way, but you have to resist the temptation. She looks like she's going to give in at any moment, but you have to let her make the first move, because then you won't scare her away if you decide to go for it." Arcus's vision goes away from Finley and narrows on Castella who smiles at Finley, and says, "Are you sure you want to start a double journey, now, at fifteen? If you give yourself to him now, you can't turn back, you know."

"I am fully aware of that, Queen Castella. I have never had someone who cares for me. I just don't understand how I can be so young." Finley confesses with a glance at Animbas, who gives her a smile. 

Castella wonders how to deliver this, and decides to just say: "It's possible because you realize what is happening. We've never had a human and dragon-"

"-You are a dragon? Just like Castella and Arcus when I found them outside on the ship's deck?" Finley seems to have missed that part, even though it might've been mentioned, and Animbas blanches, going white as a ghost. She looks to Animbas with an agape jaw, and he looks to Arcus who says, "Don't lie to her brother. I've tried it, and it only makes things worse. Believe me."

He takes a big inhale and looks to Finley, admitting, "I am a dragon, Finley. I don't know how it's possible that we've gotten together, and how I won't drive you mad like most dragons do to humans, but it seems like God pulled us together. What was the chance that Castella would land on the ship that my mate was on? Basically zero percent out of a hundred. I - I understand if you don't want me."

"Animbas." Finley shakes her head, stepping past Castella, and up to Animbas. She slides her small hand in his big one, and looks up into his green eyes. Arcus steps away and watches, sliding his arm around his own mate. Castella rests her head on Arcus's shoulder and puts her arm around his back, resting her hand in his pocket that's farthest from her. 

"Ah, young love." Arcus mutters to her with a grin, and she elbows him, mumbling back as they watch Finley snake her arm up the wall behind Animbas, "Don't spoil their moment, you big bag of scales."

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