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"Mrs. Carroway!!  Mrs. Carroway!! Eli just kissed Logan!!" My little class tattle tale was huffing and puffing as she ran up to me on the playground. I couldn't help but chuckle. I started toward the area she was pointing to when my co-worker stopped me.

"Avery, stay here; I'll deal with them. It looks like you have a visitor." Mrs. Hanford smiled, nodding behind me. I turned to see my ridiculously handsome Husband strolling toward me. I'm not sure there will ever be a point where I'm not made weak in the knees every time I see him.

"Sir, I'm not sure you're permitted to be out here." I teased, meeting him on the sidewalk.

"My apologies.  You see, I saw you standing out here, and I just couldn't help myself. I had to come to meet you." He smirked, leaning down kissing me quickly on the cheek as I giggled. "Now, you must promise me you will calmly and quietly come with me." He whispered in my ear, causing me to raise a brow in confusion.

"Is everything okay?"

"Stacia is in labor, and I have been sent to retrieve her birthing coach since, as in her words, 'Derrick is the douchebag who caused this.'" He laughed, slipping his hand into mine.

"Oh my gosh!!"

Cullen's POV

I will never get tired of entering this tiny little elementary school and asking to see my wife.

My wife. Mrs. Carroway. Asking Avery to be my wife was one of the best days of my life. Marrying Avery was the best day of my life, and the last two years have flown by. Stacia called my office about an hour ago to let me know she was in labor and needed Avery.

I swear those two couldn't function without each other. Actually, Stacia couldn't function without Avery. None of us could. I found my beautiful wife standing guard at the playground, wearing a beautiful pale yellow dress and white cardigan. Her brown hair was flowing down her back in waves.

When she turned to me, and my eyes met her beautiful green orbs, my heart skipped a beat.


"I kind of feel like we've done this before." I joked as we rode along to the hospital.

"It seems we have!"

She laughed as she tapped away on her phone. "Wait, who is watching Gracie?" Avery asked, referring to Stacia and Derrick's firstborn.

"Somehow, Millie got roped into that, from what I understand."

"Okay.  Good. I already text Tina to let her know, so I suppose they'll head up as soon as they can. Derrick is with her now, Liam will meet us there, and I think we're all covered." She stated, my organized little lady. 

 I reached over, taking her hand in mine, pulling it up, kissing her knuckles.  "I love you."

"I love you too, Cullen." She smiled.

Once we arrived at the hospital, Avery rushed off to be by Stacia's side, and I took my place in the waiting area with Liam and the crew.

"Can you believe we're here again?" Liam joked.

"You think this will be the last one?" I questioned him as I checked e-mails on my phone.

"Knowing my Brother, no. He wants a football team." He laughed.

I just shook my head.

"There's my brother!"  Tarran exclaimed as she came around the corner carrying a tray of coffees.

New Beginnings.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें