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"Good Morning, Avery!!" Derrick screamed out as he walked through the living room. My eye popped open, and I gave him a grumpy look.

"Sorry, I just wanted to announce myself so I didn't get kicked again." He laughed, heading to the kitchen.

"You're lucky I didn't kick you last night," I grumbled, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I had forgotten to take my contacts out, and they were sticking to my eyes.

"Last night?" Stacia asked, coming in.

"Your.. boy...err. Your friend here walked through naked." I yawned.

"Derrick!!" She cried, slapping his arm.

"Sorry, I was half asleep." He shrugged.

"We're gonna go out to breakfast; you wanna come?" Stacia asked, slipping on her shoes.

"No thanks. I'm gonna shower and stuff; if you're riding with Derrick, I may go to the store? We can't keep eating out." I laughed.

"Yea, go for it. You know all my favorites." She smiled. "We'll be back in a bit; I'll bring you something."

"Did my brother go home?" Derrick asked, looking around as he walked toward the door.

"Yes, he did. Right before your little peep show." I laughed. Derrick shook his head, smiling.

"Guess I had to embarrass myself to make us even, eh?" He shrugged.

Stacia and Derrick headed off to breakfast, and I hit the shower. I took the contacts out, letting my poor eyes rest, throwing on my glasses, and putting on an oversized sweatshirt and skinny jeans with my vans. I pulled my hair back in a high ponytail and just put on some powder before heading out to the store. I grabbed my phone to GPS the nearest grocery and saw I had several texts and a couple of missed calls. The missed calls were from Stacia's parents, checking in, and one from a friend back home. The messages were from Tarran and Millie, asking me again about meeting up at the coffee shop. I had forgotten to respond last night, so I quickly did so. I agreed to meet up with them in a few hours. I was a little disappointed not to have a text from Liam, but I needed to slow myself down anyway.

I was unloading the massive haul of food when Stacia returned home. Derrick had dropped her off after their breakfast. The counters and floor were covered with bags of food; I stood catching my breath after going up and down the stairs so often. Stacia handed me a to-go box of food and immediately started to help unpack everything to put away.

"Thanks." I sat down, digging into the pancakes and sausage.

"You're welcome. Thanks for getting us the grub. I can't wait for our furniture tomorrow; we can finally feel comfortable and at home!" She spoke while shoving items in the cabinets.

"I'm looking forward to my bed." I groaned.

"Me too."

"Oh, I bet you are." I giggled.

"Hey! She turned over her shoulder, looking at me.

"So, are you guys like a thing now, or is this just casual?" I asked, sitting on the barstool, one of the two furniture pieces the apartment came with.

"It's casual for now, but I can definitely see it becoming more. He's really great. It's like an instant connection." She leaned over the counter toward me.

"Yeah, Liam said he's never really seen him like this before." I finished up my food, going back to help with the groceries.

"He told me that himself! He said he's never wanted to spend so much time with someone before. Normally I'd think it was just a cheesy line, but I feel like he was sincere. I guess we'll see now that we've hooked up." She shrugged. I still could not wrap my head around how casually she took sex. Liam was hot and definitely a fantastic kisser, but anything further than that would require a committed long-term relationship for me.

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