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Tuck showed up perfectly on time and got me to the airport. I was too distracted with my sadness over leaving Cullen that the flight went by without me even flinching. I departed my flight, collected my luggage, and waited for Stacia to pick me up. I checked my phone as she was running late, but I had no messages or calls from her. Cullen had already sent me a few texts, just emoji hearts and smiley faces, as he knew I was on the flight. I looked up when I heard a car horn and saw Liam jumping out of his car to greet me. He pulled me in for a bear hug and kissed my cheek.

"Missed you!" He reached for my bags and led us to his car.

"I missed you guys too." I smiled, feeling a little uneasy. I enjoyed my friendship with Liam, and I didn't want my new relationship with Cullen to cause us any issues. "So, have I missed anything?" I laughed.

"Nope. We're a boring group. We all sat around crying because you weren't here." He teased.

"Somehow, I don't believe that." I buckled up, and off we went. "Is Stacia at the apartment, or has she moved in with Derrick while I was away?"

"She should be there, with Derrick." He looked over at me, winking. "You look different." He observed.

I suddenly felt self-conscious. Could he tell? Surely it wasn't visibly noticeable. It was just the tan and relaxed feeling on me.  "I hope good different?" I questioned.

"Yes, of course. Tan like I said sexy like I said, and I hope, NOT in love like I said."

I shook my head at him. "I'm not in love," I answered truthfully. I was in a heavy state of like, for sure, close to love but not quite there yet.

"Good." The rest of the ride was quiet; he helped carry my bags up to the apartment; we entered quietly, hoping to avoid any embarrassing moments with the newly engaged couple. Luckily, they were sitting down to dinner just as we came in.

"Aves!!" Stacia stood, running over to squeeze me in for a hug. Liam took my bags to my room, and I joined them at the table.

"Welcome home." Derrick smiled between bites of his meal.

I told them about various adventures in Hawaii, answered a million and one questions about my trip, and tried to dodge any specific questions about Cullen. Of course, I couldn't avoid that after Tarran and Millie arrived to welcome me home as well. We were all piled up in the living room, mindless TV on, and all of us discussing the past two weeks. I had one more day of rest before returning to work and starting my summer courses, so I enjoyed the time with my friends, still on vacation high and missing Cullen like crazy already.

"Okay, I think we've heard everything except. . . you and Cullen," Tarran asked excitedly.

"Cullen was a great babysitter; Tuck helped too. They made sure to show me some fun sights and keep me out of trouble." I rolled my eyes at them for coining the term babysitter for me.

"That's not what I mean." She teased. I gave her a look, trying to convey how awkward this conversation was. Again, I was shocked at how careless she was towards Liam's feelings.

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