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When we finally pulled apart, he lifted me and carried me out of the water the same way he had brought me in. On the beach, I squeezed out as much water as possible from my dress and hair, trying to make it less awkward going back into the hotel. We both were laughing with tears in our eyes at ourselves. Cullen gave me his shirt to help cover my soaked self as the dress was clinging to me. We made it up to my room, where he kissed me again so passionately, I felt weak in my knees and between my legs! He left me to change and get ready for dinner so he could get dry clothes and dressed for our reservation as well.

I showered again and dug through for a lovely cocktail dress. I was lucky I had grabbed a few to bring with me. I laid them out, trying to decide when my phone rang. I saw it was Stacia, video calling. I wrapped in my towel, my wet hair hanging; I went ahead and accepted it.

"Aves!!" She smiled, then turned the phone to show me Derrick, Liam, Tarran and Millie with Faye and Hailey as well all lounging around the apartment.

"Stacia! Hi everyone!!" I smiled and waved.

"Catch you at a bad time?" She asked.

"No, I'm just getting ready for dinner. It's fine."

"We miss you," Liam spoke. I smiled.

"I've only been gone three days!" I laughed.

"Well, it feels like longer," Stacia responded. "I hope everything is going okay?"

"Oh, it's going okay," Tarran added, laughing. I shook my head.

"I can't wait to hear! We're hanging out after dinner, movie night!" She again panned the phone around the room.

"Where's Cullen?" Tarran asked, making me wince again.

"He's meeting me here for dinner," I spoke softly, seeing Liam in the background shaking his head. I knew Tarran was excited about the idea of her brother and I being together, but I also knew how fond she was of Liam and was trying desperately to convey to her with my eyes that it was hurting him. I decided I would text her later about it. We ended our short call so they could start their movie and I could get ready for dinner. I couldn't help but feel guilty for hurting Liam. He was a fantastic guy, and I did have feelings for him, still did. Just not the same type of feelings that I was having for Cullen. Cullen never made me question myself, question him, or second guess the idea of us together. Cullen was the reason I started focusing on myself and finally healing from things in my past. This felt right, this felt good, and I hoped like hell I wasn't wrong.

The rest of my trip flew by. I spent it either on the beach, by the pool, in the spa, or with Cullen. Our dinner the third night went terrific. It was our actual first date. He was a complete gentleman, holding open doors, holding my hand, kissing me goodnight, and ending it there to take it slow. We spent our free days walking along the beach, visiting touristy spots, hiking, and adventuring around the island. It was the most relaxing, loving, and amazing vacation. Every day I could feel myself falling more for Cullen and the island. While I missed my friends, I wasn't exactly looking forward to heading home. 

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