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It's been two months since the miscarriage. School was back in session, and I was back to work, just not at the coffee shop. I couldn't bring myself to go back there; Aaron was understanding and let me leave without issue and even gave me an excellent recommendation. I've been working at a bakery on the other side of town. I've enjoyed it, getting to know customers and learning how to bake. It helps keep me busy, which is all I've done since I recovered physically. I've barely spent time with Stacia or Cullen, for that matter. Any time they try to plan something, I make sure I'm busy with work or school. Thanksgiving was coming up, and it being a year of having known everyone; they were all planning a big celebration at our apartment, and I was dreading every second of it. On top of barely passing my classes, staying so busy I was constantly exhausted, and a strained relationship with my friends and boyfriend, my Mother had been reaching out to me. Her texts were never kind, of course. She always knew just what to say to tear me down; despite all the progress I had made before, it was definitely hard to ignore this time.

"Averland. I know about your pregnancy and baby dying. It's for the best; we aren't meant to be Mother's." One of her texts read. I knew I should block her number, but a weird part of me felt like I deserved to read her words. I felt incredibly guilty; despite the Doctors and everyone else reassuring me, I did nothing.

I was working at the bakery early this morning before the last classes before Thanksgiving break. I was restocking some of the pastries and wiping down the counter. Several of the girls working were in the back finishing up orders. We were about to open the doors, and I felt my phone ping in my pocket. Taking it out, there it was, another text from my Mother.

"I wish you would talk to me. You know I'm the only person who gives a shit about you."

I closed the message and slid my phone down into my pocket. I could not for the life of me figure out why this woman was, so hell-bent on tearing me down and breaking me. I hadn't told anyone about her texts; I didn't want yet another reason for everyone to be pitying me and watching every move I made. That was already happening enough. I was so damn tired of being a victim, the girl everyone felt sorry for. Cullen would text me multiple times a day, asking if I was okay or need anything. Whenever Stacia and Derrick saw me, they both would frown with sadness before asking how I was feeling. It was draining. 

I was brought out of my thoughts as the doorbell rang, letting me know our first customers were arriving. To my surprise, though, it was Liam of all people. He and I had not had the best friendship since he found out about the pregnancy. He was taken aback, hurt, and maybe even jealous of the situation. After the miscarriage, he had sent flowers and even came by to check on me a few times though we still weren't where we once were.

"Good Morning Avery." He smiled.
"Hey, Liam. You're out and about early." I questioned.

"I'm picking up an order for my Mom's office." He shrugged.

I went to the back quickly, letting them know the Butler order was here for pick up. It still had a minute or two, so I went back out to Liam.

"How's everything?" He asked shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's going." I half-smiled.

"Crazy, it's been over a year since we all met, huh?" He spoke awkwardly.

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