Winter is Coming

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"Go on, father is watching. And your mother." Jon whispered to bran, looking back from the walkway above where Lord and Lady Stark stood.

Bran looked his parents, feeling the pressure to hit his target. "Relax your bow arm" Robb instructed.

Once satisfied with his aim, he pulled back on his bow and released, missing the target and earning laughs all around from his brothers.

"And which one of you were a marksman at ten" questioned Lord Stark, silencing the laughter from his sons. "Keep practicing bran. Go on" He encouraged.

Bran nodded to his farther, getting back into position to hit his target. Just as he took a deep breath and was about to release his hand, an arrow flew past him and into the middle of the target.

All four boys heads spun to find a grinning Arya, she curtsies causing laughter to erupt all around. bran threw his bow and leaped over the fence to chase his sister. "Go on, faster bran" Robb shouts through his laughter.

Meanwhile up above, Lord Stark has just been informed that a deserter of the nights watch has been found.

"Tell the boys to saddle up." He nods to the Greyjoy boy he has taken in as his ward. "And tell Bran he is to saddle up too." Ned says, earning a nod from Sir Rodrick before he turns to leave.

"Ned, ten is too young to see such things" Pleaded Lady Stark eyes wide with shock. Ned turned to his Lady wife, thinking a moment before speaking. "He won't be a boy forever Cat, and winter is coming".

With that, the Lord of Winterfell turned and set off to the stables to ready himself for the journey ahead. He never wished to take a life, no matter the crimes. But he who passes the sentence should swing the sword.

Lady Catelyn remained in her place atop the walkway. Glancing down she was met with the messy black locks of Jon Snow. She glared at him, anger radiating from every inch of her body. She watched as the bastard was joined by his sister Alyanna.

As she reached Jon, she felt eyes upon her. Looking up she was met by the cold glare of her fathers Lady wife. Her silence causing the boy to look up also. Sensing the hatred, Alyanna looked to her feet for a few moments.

She glanced back up, hearing the footsteps of the only mother figure she and Jon had ever known disappear. Cold as she may be, Alyanna could understand the pain they must cause Catelyn.

No Lord she had ever heard of, had ever brought their bastards into their castle to raise alongside their trueborn children. She was grateful to have the life she did. It could of been far worse than dealing with harsh comments and angry glares.

Suddenly she was distracted from her thoughts by her twin brother. "Sir Rodrick says we are to saddle up to go with father, they found a runaway from the nights watch." He said looking towards his sister.

She nodded sending a small smile his way. "Did you have something you wish to ask of me sweet sister?" Jon asked moving towards her.

"No matter Jon. I was hoping to have you rescue me from my lessons this afternoon, but I can see you won't be available." She laughed, receiving a cheeky glance from her twin.

"Septa Mordane is bound to crack both of our nuckles if I steal you from anymore of her lessons Al." He said through laughter, pulling Alyanna into him for a hug.

"Fine. Enough of you, get going now or father won't be happy." She pushed him off towards the stables where their brothers where saddled and waiting.

Jon turned back to face his sister. "I'll meet you at your chambers later this evening Al." He smiled. She nodded giving a small wave.

With that Jon turned and jogged towards the boys jumping up onto his horse. Leaving Alyanna stood watching them go.

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