The Old Gods and the New

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Warning: this chapter contains an attempted sexual assault, violence and gore. Please feel free to skip if this is triggering to you, I will try to have the next chapter up ASAP.

Alyanna was awoke early that morning, stretching herself out and rolling over to face an empty bed. Instead, a note lay in the empty space which should be filled by Sandor.

Sitting up and rubbing her tired eyes, she reached over and grabbed the note to read.


I have left you a gift on the table.


Alyanna's eyes shot up and over towards the table, spotting the gift instantly as she excitedly through the covers off of herself and made her way over to examine it closer.

As she approached, she spotted a sheathed dagger. She gently lifted the gift up, taking note of the leather sheath that held the dagger first. Embroidered into the leather was, what she assumed, the Clegane sigil. Three yellow hounds.

Holding the gift against her chest for a moment, she let her heart swell. Trying to comprehend how this gruff man could be so sweet with her, yet so mean with others.

Sandor had clearly had this made for her and she couldn't wait to thank him in person.

Suddenly mindful of being caught with the dagger, she hurriedly tied the sheath to her thigh. Securing the dagger in place so it could be hidden, before moving to dress for the day.


"May the seven guide the Princess on her journey." The high septon called out as Alyanna stood among the crowd of people, gathered to say their goodbyes.

"May the mother give her health, May the crown give her wisdom, May the warrior give her courage." He continued as Alyanna drowned him out.

Looking to her right, she could see Prince Tommen beginning to cry next to Sandor. Sadness washing over her for the innocent boy, she slowly raised her hand and placed it on his shoulder in comfort.

"Sounds like a little cat muling for his mother. Princes don't cry." Joffrey mocked, shaking his head in disgust.

Alyanna quietly took a deep breath, holding herself back from saying a word in anger to him.

"I saw you cry." Sansa stated quietly, no emotion in her voice.

Alyanna held her breath, praying to the old gods that Joffrey would not strike her sister. Suddenly, Joffrey's head spun around to look at her in disgust.

"Did you say somthing my Lady." He asked, his tone bored as if giving her the opportunity to change her words.

Alyanna looked to Sansa, watching as the gears quickly began to turn in her head as she thought of how to correct herself.

"My little brother cried when I left winterfell." She said calmly, only to be instantly interrupted by Joffrey.

"So." He almost laughed at her. "It seems a normal thing." She tried to reassure, somewhat sticking with her decision to defend Prince Tommen.

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