A Golden Crown

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Sandor had left earlier than needed for his duties that next morning, kissing Alyanna on her head as she slept. He had planned to venture to the gardens, deciding he would find a flower to leave in his empty place for her.

After spending a while searching, he had finally picked a beautiful blue rose from the ground. Liking to think it represented her, a true northern beauty.

Trying to be as delicate as he could, he made his way back into the keep and up the tower of the hand towards her chambers.

As he reached the top of the tower flower in hand, he came face to face with the hand of the king and one of his men.

Ned stopped in his tracks, along with Sandor. He stood frozen in place dropping his hand that held the rose, in an attempt to conceal his reason for being in this part of the keep.

"Jory, leave us. I will catch up." Ned instructed his captain of the guards, who obediently followed his orders.

Sandor stood tall, eyes never truly meeting Ned's. He was unsure how to explain his presence, without giving away his an Alyanna's relationship.

"I assume that is for Alyanna." Ned said, eyes never leaving Sandor's face.

He intended on speaking with Sandor at some point, but he had not prepared himself yet. For he had been too busy with his duties and Arya's disappearance yesterday.

Sandor shifted uncomfortably, grunting in response. Surprise flashing over his face for less than a second, before it was gone again.

"What are your intentions with my daughter." Ned questioned, taking a brief pause before continuing with his questioning of the man before him.

"A man of your reputation, I'd think you want nothing more than a whore to warm your bed at night."

Sandor narrowed his eyes at Ned, irritation evident on his face. Ned could tell he had touched a nerve at the mere mention of Alyanna.

"Aye I'm a killer. Every man in this keep is a killer, even you my Lord." Sandor spat, seething.

Ned sighed, at a loss for words. "Your intentions, if you are to continue this relationship. What are they." He asked once again.

Sandor remained quiet, eyes staring directly at the Lord. He knew his intentions where to marry Alyanna, but he did not wish to speak with anyone other than her about the matter.

Shifting uncomfortably once again, Ned picked up on his discomfort.

"You wish to marry her." Ned stated, raising his brows at the sworn shield expecting an answer.

Sandor gave a simple nod of his head, feeling uncomfortable in admitting to his feelings for the girl.

"You hold no land, no titles. What can you offer her."Ned asked, once again making Sandor shift uncomfortably.

Clegane keep belonged to his older brother Gregor, not that Sandor had ever wished to stay at the place any longer than necessary.

He had left the first chance he had gotten. When it came down to it, Sandor knew he had nothing to offer for Alyanna. But she didn't seem to care for that, neither did he.

"Happiness, Protection. A family." Sandor shrugged his answer short and simple, to the point.

Ned thought on this for a moment, being a bastard did not offer Alyanna any titles. She would never inherit any land and she could not marry a high Lord.

All he had ever wanted for her, was a chance at true happiness. If he were to forbid the relationship between the two, he would be taking that chance away from her.

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