Lord Snow

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Alyanna awoke bright and early the day after the incident with Arya and Nymeria, with a brand new outlook on the journey ahead.

She attempted to fix the arguments from the night before with her sisters, which worked for a time.
Arya being more willing than Sansa, her mothers strong will within her shining through.

That was until Arya received word that the hound had rode down the butchers boy, Mycah. She was grieving deeply for her friend, anger being the dominant emotion. Mainly towards Sansa, which she did not try to hide at all. She told Alyanna often and loudly, that if Sansa had told the truth, Mycah would still be alive.

Sansa was also grieving, but for the loss of Lady. She refused to speak to Arya, blaming her for the loss of the gentle wolf.

Alyanna felt for both girls, Lady's death had gotten to her also. She was relieved that she had sent Luna north with Jon to the wall. She prayed that if she or Ghost caused any trouble, they would simply be released north of the wall to live freely together.

Alyanna had spent a lot of time thinking of how Sandor had rode down the young butchers boy. She knew he was sworn to the Lannister's, he had to follow orders from them. But she couldn't understand why he had not just let the boy run off, claiming he found no trace of him.

Instead he had paraded his body around, draped over the side of his horse. She was glad she hadn't witnessed this, only hearing talk from the northern men.


Just over a week had passed since that evening, and the party had finally arrived in Kings Landing later than planned. This was due to the Queen insisting on making a few extra stops throughout each day, so that Prince Joffrey could have his wounds washed and redressed.

Alyanna was riding on a carriage pulled by horses, along with her father, sisters and Septa Mordane. The sun was shining down on her, overwhelming her pale northern skin. The air felt as if it was sticking to her skin, a thick and wet feeling to it that the north did not have.

The smell of the city was disgusting, nothing like she had imagined. Breathing through her mouth rather than her nose, she took in the sight of the red keep as they rode through the main gates. Her eyes shone with amazement.

Never in her years, had she seen such a structure. Walls taller than she had ever seen, towers and towers of them. She could not help but hope that her room would be high up in one of the towers, she wished to see the whole city from a great height.

"Isn't it wonderful girls." Septa Mordane commented. "No." Sansa replied rudely, without raising her eyes to look up towards the keep. This gave Arya an opening to start an argument with her sister yet again, and she jumped at the chance.

Bored of breaking apart their fights over the last week, Alyanna chose to ignore the chaos ensuing behind her. She was exhausted, both physically and mentally, and could not wait to have her own room once again. Mainly the peace and quiet that would come with it.

Their carriage had taken them to the opposite side of the keep from the king and his men, towards the tower of the hand.

As the horses came to a stop, Ned was the first to jump from the carriage, holding out his hand to help Alyanna down.

Once down, Alyanna turned to lift Arya down onto her feet as Ned continued to help Septa Mordane and Sansa out.

North men descended from every direction to begin carrying the Starks bags to their individual rooms. "Lord Stark." An unknown man called to Ned, causing him to make his way towards him.

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