The North Remembers

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Alyanna sat quietly sipping on a cup of wine, trying to zone out the cheering of the crowd gathered for King Joffrey's name day. She could think of nothing worse to be doing right now, celebrating the anniversary of the murderous boy King's birth.

Her eyes travelled downward to where Sandor stood, fighting in his Kings honour against some knight Alyanna could not remember the name of.

She watched as he repeatedly struck the knight with his weapon, his hound helm upon his head, until he knocked the night over the wall and to his likely death.

"Well struck dog." Joffrey called down towards him as he took off his helm.

Turning towards Alyanna and Sansa, he pointed down towards Sandor. "Did you like that." He asked, a fire burning in his eyes at the sight of blood shed.

"It was well struck, Your Grace." Sansa replied politely, earning a look of disapproval from the boy King.

"I already said it was well struck" He said rudely, staring at Alyanna as he did. "And you, bastard. You like the dog don't you, speak up." He spat, growing impatient by her silence.

"He fought well, Your Grace." Alyanna smiled towards him, as they where interrupted by another knight announcing the next champion.

Alyanna once again tuned out the sounds around her, continuing to drink from her cup. She watched on silently as Sandor returned to his post beside Joffrey.

Only being distracted from her staring as the next champion appeared, shouting as he ran towards them.

"Here I am. Here I am." He slurred, dropping his helm as he ran.

Alyanna cringed internally for the knight, recognising him to be drunk. She knew better than to think King Joffrey would let this pass.

"Sorry Your Grace, my deepest apologies." He said through deep breaths, placing his helm on his head.

"Are you drunk." Joffrey questioned, moving to take a closer look at the knight.

"No. No, Your Grace. I only had two cups of wine." He stuttered.

"Two cups, that's not much at all." Joffrey said, a sly smile forming on his face. "Please, have another cup."

The knight looked taken aback, shifting uncomfortably before answering. "Are you sure Your Grace."

"Yes. Have two, have as much as you like." Joffrey said politely, looking to Ser Meryn who stood directly behind Alyanna.

"Ser Meryn, help Ser Dontos celebrate my name day.  See that he drinks his fill." Joffrey smiled, his voice laced with humour.

Alyanna flinched as Ser Meryn sprung into action, storming towards Ser Dontos and grabbing ahold of him along with several other Kings Gaurds.

She watched on in horror, trying to keep herself composed, as they placed him on his knees and lifted a barrel of wine above him to begin emptying its contents down his throat.

"You can't." Sansa whined next to her, causing Alyanna to internally roll her eyes. She had lost count of how many times she had told her, not to question Joffrey's actions.

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