The Pointy End

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Sandor remained silent, pulling both girls through the castle with him. Sansa too scared to put up a fight, unlike Alyanna who had decided to make it as difficult as possible for him.

She let her body go limp, refusing to move on her own accord. Sandor grunted, grabbing her around the waist to prevent her from falling.

"Seven hell's girl. Stand." He growled under his breath, trying to keep his voice low through his anger.

When he got no response, he groaned to himself bending his knee to pick her up. Alyanna immediately put up a fight, throwing her fist directly in line with his jaw.

"Do not ever presume to touch me again." She seethed as he grabbed ahold of her small jaw with his large hand, Sansa watching on terrified in the grasp of his other hand.

"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way girl. Save yourself some pain." He warned, stem practically coming out of his ears.

Alyanna gave up her fight, allowing Sandor to put her over his shoulder. He continued to lead Sansa down the halls towards the Queen.

On arrival he placed Alyanna on her two feet, knocking politely on the door. After a moment, the Queen could be heard asking them to enter.

Sandor pushed the girls into the room gently. "The Stark girls, your grace." He stated, bowing his head in respect.

Alyanna turned to look at him, sending daggers his way as he left the room. Facing herself forward again, she came face to face with the Queen, Lord Varys, Grand Maester Pycelle and Little Finger, his eyes placed firmly on Sansa. Her skin crawled.

"Take a seat." Cersei Gestured to the girls, a smug grin placed on her face. Sansa looked to Alyanna, hesitant in her movements.

Curious to find the meaning for all this, Alyanna took ahold of Sansa's hand. She slowly guided her forward, both taking a seat before the group.

"It seems that your father has proved to be an awful traitor, dear." Lord Varys was first to speak, his eyes holding genuine sympathy for the girls before he was interrupted.

"King Robert's body was still warm, when Lord Eddard began plotting to steal Joffrey's rightful throne." Spat Maester Pycelle.

Alyanna furrowed her brow in confusion, racking her brain for any hint as to why this would ever be true. She had spoken with her father just that morning, he had asked them to pack their belongings to make the journey back north.

"He wouldn't do that, he knows how much I love Joffrey." Sansa argued, pulling Alyanna out of her own thoughts. "He wouldn't. Please your grace there has been a mistake. Send for my father, he'll tell you. The king was his friend." She pleaded.

Cersei's eyes lit up hearing the girl beg, her eyes quickly flashing to the older sister sat quietly next to her. Disappointment making its way onto her face, as she found no obvious emotion in her face.

"Sansa Sweetling, you are both innocent of any wrong we know that." She falsely comforted the girl, causing Alyanna to shift uncomfortably in her seat.

She remained silent for the time being, not knowing what to do or say around these people. Her mind telling her one wrong word and she would be joining her father in the dungeons. No Lord or Queen would take her word into consideration, for she was a bastard.

"Yet you are the daughter, and bastard" Cersei paused for a split second eyeing Alyanna as she said the word. "daughter of a traitor. Sansa how could I allow you to marry my son." She finished.

"A child born of a traitors seed, is no fit consort for our king." Maester Pycelle once again piped up. "She is a sweet thing now, your grace. But in ten years, who knows what treasons she may hatch."

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