A Man Without Honor

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Alyanna was shaken awake by Sandor, her face and body sticky with sweat. She flinched away from him as her eyes opened, her head yet to catch up that she had woken.

"Another one?" Sandor asked softly, pulling her into his side for a moment. She had been having nightmares for the past week, each one scaring her more than the last.

Every time she closed her eyes to sleep, she would see the group of men that attacked her. Only this time they would be successful, they would slit her throat afterwards and leave her for dead in the street.

As the week had gone by now and the nightmares began to include her fathers death. Much worse,  her two little brothers rotting in a dungeon in Winterfell. Bran and Rickon. Word had reached just a few days ago of Theon's betrayal, Sansa had wept for hours on end. Locking herself away. Only allowing Alyanna and Shae to enter her chambers.

Alyanna once again felt as if her world was crashing around her, the only consistency she had in her life now being Sansa and Sandor. That was until the news reached of Stannis Baratheon's impending arrival, his armies behind him.

Now she spend her days worrying for Sandor in the upcoming battle. Worrying what would happen with herself and Sansa should Stannis stack the city and become king.

"Anna" Sandor called, pulling her from her thoughts and startling her.

"Seven Hells." She cursed to herself, earning a chuckle from the giant man laid next to her. "I am just worried for you. For Sansa."

Sandor sighed to himself, kissing her hair after a moments thought. "I'm a tough fucker. Hard to kill." He grunted, unwrapping his arms from around her small frame and standing to dress for the day.

A smile broke out on Alyannas face at his words, he was indeed a big fucker she thought. With a huff, she rose from the bed and pulled her night dress from the floor, pulling it back over her body.

"Stannis is due to arrive any moment now." She asked, her voice laced with worry as she helped a struggling Sandor tie his armour. "I want to spend as much time as possible with you my love."

Placing his hand to her check, softly caressing her skin with his callous hand. "I will return at nightfall." He said, leaning in to place a soft kiss to her lips. "I love you."

"And I you." She smiled lovingly at him. "Now, go. Before I take this armour off you again." She laughed cheekily, peeling herself out of his grasp and opening the door for him to leave.

Movement from the corner of her eye drew her attention, her eyes moving from Sandor to the hall as Shae could be seen running after another handmaiden.

Alyanna looked back at Sandor, her eyes filled with panic. Sansa, she realised. Her feet moving before the thought registered in her head. Blocking out anything else.

She ran as fast as her feet could take her, twisting and turning along the halls. Until finally she reached her sisters chamber, the door open wide.

Inside, Sansa sat weeping on her bed. A pool of blood soaking her mattress. Alyanna felt her heart sink for her.

"She can't know. The queen. It means I can have his children. Nobody can know." Sansa cried, struggling to breath in her panic.

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