Dark Wings, Dark Words

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A week had passed by of the pair riding through every single day, only stopping to relieve themselves, sleep, and find water and food for themselves and stranger.

They had come across an inn a few days back, hoping to find a maester to look at Alyanna. They left without finding one, wine skins and some food that should last them a few more days yet.

Alyanna was struggling with the journey, finding herself feeling ill most days. She put it down to the constant motion from the riding.

Pushing herself through it, knowing the more distance they put between themselves and kings landing the better.

Excitement to finally be reunited with Jon also helping. She wondered what he was doing right now, how he was feeling.

News surely would of reached him of father, that the little wolf they admired so much was missing. She wanted nothing more than to feel his arms wrapped around her, the comfort she needed after all this heartache.

She prayed every night for the safety of her siblings, hoping that Sansa was being treated kindly in the lions den. That Arya was still breathing, fighting her way to Robb or Jon.

A grin graced her lips as she thought of her little sister. Trying to picture the moment they would be together again, the feeling of her throwing herself into her arms.

"What are you grinning about." Sandor grunted, curious to what she was thinking.

"Do you think Arya will be at the wall by now?." She questioned him, her voice filled with hope.

Sandor thought for a moment. It was unlikely a small child would be able to survive such a long journey alone.  He couldn't bring himself to disappoint the girl.

"Aye, maybe." He replied simply, placing a kiss to the top of her head. "You don't feel sick today?." He prodded, his worry evident in his voice.

"Not really. Hopefully it has stopped now."

Sandor still worried. They weren't far from an inn now, hopefully they would have a maester or a healer around.

He would feel a lot better if he were told everything was ok, that her sickness was normal. He laughed quietly to himself, if he had heard himself thinking this way a year ago. Sick with worry over a women.

The thought would never have crossed him. But now he couldn't live without her, he intended to fulfill his promise to her father. As soon as he could, he would make her his wife.

He guided Stranger towards a secluded area with a lake, surrounded by trees. Not a soul in sight. Slowing the horse, deciding they could stay here for the evening.

Alyanna was first to jump down from the horse, excited to be on the still ground again. She wasted now time in opening their saddle bag, setting up their camp for the evening. 

"I will find some firewood for" She began turning on her heal, before she felt a thick hand grab ahold of her wrist, spinning her round to face him.

"No. You stay." He said sternly, a look of warning on his face. "If anyone approaches you" he began.

"Forget everything and ride away on stranger, yes I know." She mimicked, rolling her eyes as she did. Approaching him with a small smile on her face, standing on her toes to place a kiss to his lips.

Pulling away, she pulled a face at him. Earning a look of confusion.

"When you return, we bathe in that water. We are starting to smell." She laughed, pushing him away towards the trees.

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