The Wolf and The Lion

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Alyanna awoke bright and early that morning, laying on Sandor's Chest. She lay unmoving for a while, enjoying the calming affect of his chest rising and falling. He had a peaceful look to his face, Alyanna could not help but place her hand to his bearded check.

Looking at Sandor, Alyanna knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with this man and after last night, she felt a hunger for every inch of him.

"Stop yer staring, Women." Sandor grunted, peaking at her with one of his eyes open slightly.

Alyanna chuckled lightly under her breath, her checks flushing pink. She moved into a sitting position, her hips meeting his. "I can't help myself." She teased, leaning in to place her lips to his.

Slowly she began rolling her hips, earning a growl from Sandor. Eyes rolling into the back of his head, he could of finished from the friction alone.

Rolling so he was on top of her looking down, Sandor took in her still naked form. The light of day revealing her true beauty, even more so than the evening before.

He wanted nothing more than to kiss every inch of her fair skin, to take her here and now. Fighting off every instinct inside of himself, he placed one last kiss to her head.

"I have to leave." He said gathering his armour. Alyanna stood from the bed, moving to enclose her arms around him.

"When will I see you again." She whined, pouting her lips at him. Sandor chucked, taking her face in his large hands and placing another kiss to her lips.

"I'll be back as soon as the boy cunt is finished with me." He grunted, getting himself free from her clutches to dress himself.


Alyanna had spent her morning preparing herself for the second day of the tourney. She had left her hair to flow freely down her back and shoulders, a small single braid falling down her right side.

Her father had the dress maker deliver her a new dress, which she had decided to wear for the day. The sun was beaming today, and the dress was well suited for the hot weather.

Alyanna had beamed to herself once she looked in the mirror, hoping that Sandor would not be able to take his eyes off her all day.

She had a jump in her step as she made her way down to the jousting field with Sansa and her father. Thoughts of last night spent with Sandor crossing her mind.

She wondered if Sandor would take her as his wife one day, would her father approve of it? Would Jon. All these questions ran through her head.

Lord Stark watched his daughter out of the corner of his eye suspiciously. Something was different about her this morning, he could see it on her face.

Of course he knew she had been spending some time with the hound, he had been informed of this on the kings road by some of his men. Clegane had been seen carrying her to her tent, but what surprised him was that she was left unharmed.

More surprising to him was that his daughter had in fact had multiple interactions with the man, all seemingly friendly. He couldn't help but wonder if their was more to their relationship.

"Did you sleep well sweet one." He questioned her, causing Alyanna to jump from her thoughts.

"Yes Father, I slept very well thank you." She smiled sweetly at him, her cheeks flushing a shade of pink.

"I'm glad, you look well rested my dear." He paused deciding to let his suspicions go. "I have to speak with the king once we arrive, I hoped you could look after your sister for me whilst I'm gone."

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