Chapter 12: Olivia

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Rose p.o.v

After I showed Stella my new gift I got back to daddy and Jack with a big smile. Only the smile turned quickly into a frown as I saw him. He had a serious expression on his face. Something was wrong. "D-Daddy?"

He looked at me and then turned to Jack. "Could you give us a minute?" Jack nodded his head and left the living room.

"Rose please sit on the couch." I looked at daddy, trying to figure out what was happening. What went wrong? Did I do something wrong?

Slowly, I made my way towards the couch. When I sat down daddy still had not said a thing. "Da-"

"What is this?" He held my apology card for Jack in his hand.

"W-What do you mean?"

Daddy sighed. "Your writing... do you know... when did you stop going to school?"

My breath hitched. Was my writing that bad? I had my text rewritten three times. I really thought I had done well.

"Rose?" His brows went up.

"Uhm... w-when I was e-eleven. But b-before that I had s-skipped a lot." Daddy did not look happy. He looked angry. "D-daddy are you m-mad?"


My eyes went wide. I began to panic. "Daddy I-I'm so-"

"No, Rose I'm not mad at you. It was your father, right? It was your father who kept you from going." I only nodded my head. My father indeed kept me from going. He said I needed to learn my place, my place as a maid, as a housewife. He always said that women were purely there to help the husband by staying at home, doing chores.

"Look Rose, I'm not mad at you." He sat next to me on the couch and put me on his lap. "Daddy is not mad at you, but at your father. It was bad to keep you from going to school." He planted a kiss on my head. "But I'll help you little one. In no time you can write and read like any seventeen-year-old."

• • •

I was playing with my dolls in daddy's office when I heard the doorbell ring. I looked up at daddy. During my stay here we had never visitors. I was curious to why I heard the doorbell now because daddy had never told me we had visitors today.

He stood up from his big, giant chair and walked out of his office. Carefully I stood up and followed him from a distant. You heard the silent pitter patter of my feet on the wooden floor, which was in big contrast to the sound of daddy's shoes. He quickly made his way down, while I remained upstairs.

I waited around the corner of the wall to see who the person was waiting behind the front door.

Daddy opened the door and greeted a woman. A tall woman. Almost as tall as daddy, but maybe that was because of the heels? I do not know. She looked pretty though. She had pitch black, silky hair and had beautiful red lips. She looked a bit like Snow White.

Daddy and the mystery woman smiled and laughed. I think they knew each other. They greeted each other like old friends. As she was looking around in the house, she spotted me, lurking behind the corner.

She did not call me, but silently waved at me. I giggled as I waved back. She looked nice and kind, just like daddy. Daddy saw our little interaction and called me to come. With Aurora under my arm, I walked down the stairs. "Hello there little one, meet my friend Olivia. Oliva meet my little, Rose." Daddy put his arm around my shoulder and encouraged me to greet his friend.

Olivia crouched down and held her hand out. "It is nice to mee you Rose." Oliva said with her magical smile. Hesitantly I took her hand in mine and shook it. "Hi."

"Well, aren't you the cutest little thing." When she said that a blush crept on my cheeks and I buried my face in daddy's side. Both of them chuckled.

"Rose, Olivia will help you with your writing and reading." I peeked from daddy's side. "Really?"

"Yes, and I think we will get along just great. How about we sit down somewhere quiet, so we can see what the problem is." Again, she said with a smile.

The three of us walked to the library, a place I did not visit much in this house. We sat a table, except for daddy. "Rose, I will be working in my office, while Oliva will teach you. If something is wrong just call me or tell Olivia, okay?" I nodded my head. "Oh and Rose, the rules still apply and I except from you to behave."

"Yes daddy." I whispered.

"Good girl." He said while planting a kiss on my head.

"So Rose, how about we get started."  

A/N: I'm kinda back, kinda not. It is not a big chapter, but I had started this and wanted to give you something. I don't know when I will upload next. 

If you have any ideas for the story, or if you want to see something specific please let me know in the comments. (might help me with uploading more frequently)

Thank you for your patience! And thanks for the support for this book!

Thanks for reading and stay safe!

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