Chapter 15: brithday pt. 1

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Rose p.o.v

Today was the day. I could not be more excited. I pushed my blankets off me. Wiped the hair out of my face and left my bed. Well, I tried to leave. I bumped my head against the bars of my crib.


I rubbed my forehead; tears were stinging in my eyes. But no tears today. Today was the day. I stood up in my crib and tried to climb out when I failed again. I was too tiny to climb out. I sat down and a huff escaped my mouth.

I wanted to go to daddy.

Today was the day.

I tried to go through the bars. Failed again. Why was it so hard to leave this crib? Maybe that's why daddy put me in my crib. Last night I could not fall asleep. I went down to daddy three time until he got mad at me. He picked me up and put me in my crib instead of laying me down in my big girl bed where I had been sleeping.

I did not mind that I could not sleep in my big girl bed. I wanted to sleep in my crib. But then I could not go to daddy next morning. So, yeah, maybe he put me here to stop me from going to him.

I picked up Aurora and played with her for a while. I let the soft material slip through my fingers. I talked to her. Talked about the big day that was ahead of us. I missed her friends. Our friends. Daddy had taken Koya and Stormy from me as a punishment because I did not want to sleep.

I heard them calling for me. And Aurora of course. Can not forget her. I snuggled with her for a couple of minutes when I really wanted to go to daddy.

I tried to leave my crib again with no success.

"Daddy!" No sound.


I heard footsteps in the distance. I jumped up and down of excitement. I giggled. Daddy was coming. I made grabby hand before he even saw me.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy!" I chanted.

"Well, good morning to you too birthday girl." Daddy smiled. He came up to me and picked me up. I clung to him like a koala. I liked his body warmth. I tightly clutched my hands to his shirt.

"Happy birthday Rose." Daddy whispered and kissed my cheek. I blushed a bit and hid my head in the crook of his neck. I still was not used to him giving me kisses. It was only on my cheek, still I got shy. Even little me.

Daddy explained to me that with the kisses he gave, he showed how much he cared about me. That he loved me. He said it did not have to be in a romantic way, like I thought it would mean. I knew mommy's and daddy's kissed each other because they loved one another. But daddy explained that parents gave their children kisses too and that people could give kisses to each other in a non-romantic way.

I did love daddy, but I did not love-love him. At least I think so. I just want him to protect me from my evil father and the scary world. My daddy was my hero.

"I have a surprise for you." Daddy said with a smirk. "I have a whole day full of surprises for you little one." I giggled. I was happy. Really happy. This would be my first real birthday. A birthday full of rainbows and sunshine. Daddy has even planned a party for me. A party! A party with gifts and cake.

"But first we need to get this beautiful girl in her birthday clothes." Daddy put me on the changing table. He had put a pink pull-up on me. When it sat snuggly around me, he put a training bra on me. It was because my boobies were really small and those were the only ones that fit me. It was pink to but a lighter pink than the pull-up.

Daddy sat me up and shortly left the room after assuring me he was right back. When he came back, he had the most beautiful dress in his hands. I squealed. "It's so pretty daddy."

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