Chapter 7: nightmare

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Warning: this chapter will include child abuse, this may be triggering for you or others. Read at your own risk.
You can still skip the part without missing out on the story. 

Rose p.o.v

I was in my old house, in the kitchen. I was trying to have dinner ready before father would come home. Suddenly I heard the front door open and close with a lot of force. I started to shake and I tried to hurry my cooking. All day I was busy with cleaning, doing groceries, and cooking. Father said that I didn't need school anymore at the age of eleven. I was now old enough to do the housekeeping according to Father. He said that I was meant to do this my whole life anyway so he said that I should start to get used to it. 

Father came into the kitchen and said, "Why isn't the table set?" I prepared myself for what was coming after I answered him. "Because dinner isn't ready yet," I said with a very small voice to avoid triggering his anger. He said nothing and set down at the table. Just when I thought he would wait quietly he became angry.

"Jesus Christ! You can't do anything right, you worthless sh*t! Look at the table it's dirty. It's sticky all over the place!"

"I-I am s-sorry Father. I-I will clean it in a second, I-I ju-" when I wanted to finish my sentence I heard him getting up and walking up to me. He gripped my hair and said, " You will clean it up RIGHT NOW!" I hissed in pain and tears started to form in my eyes. 

"Y-y-yess Father, r-right away Father," he then let go of my hair and went back to his chair. I cleaned the table and went back to my cooking. When I was done I set a plate in front of him and turned on my heel to get my plate but then Father grabbed my wrist. 

"What is this?" 

"P-pasta with chicken, Father. W-why is something wrong with i-it?" Please don't let something be wrong with it, please, I pleaded in my head. 

"We had pasta yesterday and the day before that. Why now AGAIN?" He shouted in my face. My whole body started to shake. I was really afraid of answering him because I knew that no matter what I said it would be wrong. 

"We d-don't have a lot of m-money Father and we still had pasta at h-home so I thought if I didn't need to b-buy potatoes or rice, it would s-save money." 

"You think you're smart, don't ya? DON'T YOU!" He slapped me across the face. He did with so much force that I fell down. "I don't want smart girls, I JUST WANT NORMAL FOOD! You are just as worthless as that STUPID MOTHER OF YOURS," he screamed while throwing the plate with food at me. I screamed as the plate missed me by a hair. He stalked forward to me and started kicking my tummy. 

"YOU - kick - WORTHLESS - kick - B*TCH - kick." My whole body hurt I hoped he would send me away. I would do anything to get away out of this kitchen. He gave me one final kick and screamed, "GET YOUR STUPID *SS OUT OF HERE I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU TONIGHT!"

I didn't say anything and left to my room where I hid under my blanket. After an hour or so  I fell asleep. I was exhausted from the cleaning and the beating Father gave me so with no trouble I closed my eyes. 

Later that evening my bedroom door burst open, wherein the doorframe an angry father stood. 

"Why haven't you done the dishes yet? Huh?" I was surprised most of the time he didn't care and would wait for me to do it the next day when he didn't want to see me anymore. But something about him was different and I knew what it was. He was drunk. 

"Y-you t-told me to s-stay away," right after I said that he grabbed me by my hair and dragged me downstairs while yelling at me. "I don't care what I said, or didn't say! You MUST do your damn work in this house if you want to live here. YOU WORTHLESS C*NT!" 

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