Chapter 13: temper tantrum

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Rose p.o.v


"No?" His eyes peered dominantly at me. "What do you mean 'no'?

"You can't put blanky and my stuffies in the mean washer." I whined. I crossed my arms to make a point.

"Rose, I understand you're afraid they will get hurt. Daddy understands. But they are smelly and what do we do when we are smelly?" Daddy's eyebrows went up.

"We wash ourselves in bubbles..." I mumbled, ending with a pout.

"Indeed, so that means that your blanky and stuffies need to wash themselves in bubbles in the washer. Now give them to me."

As I stood there in front of my beloved things with crossed arms and a pout, I did not want to move. I hated the baths daddy gave me, even though the bubbles were loads of fun. I hated them. So, my friends, blanky, Aurora, Stormy and Koya hated them too.

"No." I said in a low voice.

"Rose. I'm not asking. They need to get cleaned. This is your last warning." Daddy said stern. He had his scary glare on his face, and I almost caved in. Almost. I heard my friends telling me not to give them to daddy.

"No!" I stomped my foot down. "They can't go in the meanie washer. I want to play with them." Oops. I should not have said that. Daddy looked angry. I peed a little in my pull-up.

"Rose, I'm really patient here. The reason why I will wash them now is because Olivia is coming soon. You will be too busy to know they are gone and when you're done, they will be waiting for you."

"But I need them when Olivia is here. They help me with the difficult words." I whined again.

Daddy sighed.

"Now Rose." Daddy said calm but stern.

I stayed right where I was.

"Okay. That's it." Daddy got my friends behind my back. I tried to get them back but backfired quickly. Daddy threw my friends to the ground and took me by my upper arm. It did not hurt, but I was scared.

"Rose, I want you sit here on your naughty chair, thinking about what you did wrong. You will stay here until I get you and believe me, Olivia will not be happy. She will be here any minute and now she must wait for you because of your bad behaviour. Stay here." And with that daddy walked away.

Tears escaped my eyes. I had not only disappointed daddy, but the nice teacher as well. I only wanted to save my friends.

Derek p.o.v

I walked toward the laundry room with Rose her blanket and stuffed animals. Stella was busy doing laundry when I walked in. "Hello sir."

"Hello Stella. Could you do me a favour?" I asked.

"Of course sir, anything for you." She said with a smile.

"Can you wash these first for Rose? Oh, and triple check the labels. I don't want her things to get all messed up. Not that I don't trust you of course." I quickly stuttered at the end. Shit. That did not come out right.

"I know that sir, no need to worry. I know how deeply you care for the little girl. I will get to it right away." She said wile checking the labels.

"Thank you. I-I will leave you to it then."

I understood Rose had a great difficulty with giving up her comfort items, even for a couple of hours. But that behaviour of hers was not tolerable. I would not even punish her if she just let me take her things. Even though she threw a tantrum, but taking things from my hands like that was a big no-no.

Right when I made my way to my office, I heard the doorbell ring. I turned around and went to the front door. Maybe a bit to quick if you ask me, but I could not help it. Olivia was a nice and fine woman to be around. No, she was a great woman.

I may of may not have a crush on her.

I did not want it. I did not want to fall for her because Rose needs my attention right now. But Olivia was so great with Rose, which was a big plus. And she was just... just perfect. Yes, perfect was the best way to describe her.

I opened the door and was met with the perfect woman, called Olivia. "Hey there! How are you doing?" 'Hey there', what was that. That is not how you greet people.

"Hello mister." Olivia said with a smile and a wink? "I'm doing great. How are you doing and where is the little girl?"

"Yes, about that. Rose is a time-out right now. So, I'm afraid you will have to delay your lessons with a few minutes. How about I make you a cup of coffee and I'll get Rose for you?"

"Sounds lovely."

• • •

Carefully I opened the bedroom door of the guestroom where I installed the naughty chair for Rose. The guestroom was plain, so there was nothing for her to get distracted with. She could be alone with her thoughts here.

"Rose?" I called her out softly. Her tiny head went up and I saw the tear streaks on her cheeks. This was a good sign. She clearly knew she was in the wrong.

"Rose, can you tell me why I put you in time-out?"

"Because-because I did not l-listen, because I got mad and... and because I tried to take my friends from you?" She said hesitant.

"Yes indeed. Daddy is really proud of you for seeing your faults. Good girl." I said while planting a kiss on her forehead. "Now let's get downstairs, a very nice miss Olivia is waiting for you."

"Okay daddy." Rose got up from her chair and held my hand as we walked downstairs. How did I got so lucky to know these two precious women? 

Thanks for reading and stay safe! 

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