Chapter Twenty-Five: Diamond

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Chapter Twenty-Five-Diamond

Ever since the discovery of Ashton's abomination of a child we've been really busy with trying to approach the situation in such a way where no one tries to attack him. It hasn't been easy, especially since I can't put in as much effort as I wish I could. Graduation's not too far away and I still haven't told anyone about me being pregnant. Not even Kai knows. It feels weird, having a being grow inside of you-you get to feel everything.

"Cupcake," Ashton called snapping me out of my daydream.

"Hmm?" I asked he laughed at me. "What?"

"We're here to get your dress for graduation, and the party afterwards and you're not even interested." Ashton said amused.

"I'm not going to the graduation party." I said. "And I could always wear a dress I already have." Ashton raised his brow.

"Oh, right." I said looking down at my bump. "I'll look now." I said and began to look through every dress till I found a reasonable dress that suited my personality, I tried it on and got it. After that I wanted to eat then sleep.

It really sucked to be Ashton, or at least I felt bad most of the time. Because I'm always too tired to have sex or to do anything fun, and it's stuff I want to do but my body and baby says no. I sighed heavily and held Ashton's hand.

"Let's go for a run tonight." I said. Ashton raised his brow at me.

"A run?" Ashton asked. "Is that a good idea."

"This kid wants to." I said looking down at my stomach. "I'm sure we'll be just fine." Ashton smiled.

"Alright then." Ashton said. "We'll go when you're ready." I smiled.

"So, since this is a spirit child does that mean he's gonna grow up super fast like the demon?" I asked.

"Probably. That's something you'd have to ask Quinn, I'm only an expert on species, not spirits in a life-form."

"Hmm, most likely." I said thinking. "I don't think Quinn has ever been a child before. I think that he was set on this world when his body was at it's ripest and then said his age and everyone believed him. I don't think he's aged a day in his life."

"I wouldn't be surprised." Ashton said. "After all look at him and look at Raziel. My dad looks like he's aged, Quinn looks exactly the same."

"Yeah, I think that bothers him." I mumbled. Ashton shrugged.

"We can never actually be too certain with Quinn, he lacks emotions." Ashton said. "You don't need to worry about him, you know."

"I can't help, he's my dad." I said softly. Ashton looked over at me with a soft smile.

"I can understand that." He said. "And I can tell you that Quinn wouldn't want you worrying over him while he still remains on this earth." I smiled.

"You're right, he'd be scolding me for it." I mumbled. Ashton laughed before taking us home just to see that there were the guys cars in our driveway. I looked over to Ashton with a raised brow. "Do you know about this?"

"No..." Ashton said just as lost as I was. We both got out and walked into the house to see the guys with their arms crossed, Raziel and Quinn just shook their heads.

"How'd you all get in here?" I asked confused.

"The door's never locked." Ashton told me. "What's up?"

"What's been up with you?" Zyre asked.

"Yeah, you've been awfully distant." Xenon added.

"I just have had a lot on my plate." Ashton said walking into the living room with me.

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