Chapter Twenty-Six: Graduation

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Chapter Twenty-Six-Graduation

Two months later and it was time. I would finally be out of school. I got up and took a nice long shower. I didn't have to be at the ceremony until 9 am. I'm pregnant, and it's pretty obvious now. Although I've been doing a good job at keeping it a secret. I got dressed and put on my cap and gown. Ashton came up behind me his hands immediately drawn to my stomach.

"This is what you've been waiting for." Ashton said with a smile. I grinned in return.

"You mean, what you've been waiting for?" I asked. "You knew that as soon as I graduated you were gonna go wild with me." Ashton laughed and turned me around walking me back to the bed.

"Who said I couldn't go wild with you while you were still in high school?" He asked pushed me gently on the bed. I grinned and pulled my gown up. I grabbed Ashton's waist and entangled my fingers in his hair.

"Don't tease me." I warned against his lips.

"Your mind is saying no, but your body is begging me to take you." Ashton growled. I kissed him and then pulled away.

"Who said my mind was telling you no?" I smiled. I carefully got up and wrapped my arms around Ashton's waist feeling his perfect body against my head. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" He asked.

"For saying I didn't want your kids." I said. "I love these babies. I love you, and I'm happy to be pregnant." Ashton lifted my chin up.

"Cupcake, you don't have to confess to me." He smiled. "I can't hold a grudge and neither can you. We've tried."

"I know." I smiled back. He sat down next to me and held my hand. "I remember everything. And I can't wait till we can tell our babies about it."

"You know what makes me so happy? The fact that you actually want this, and your plans for the future makes me so fucking happy. Like I'm so glad I have you. There's nothing in the world that could compare to you." Ashton said squeezing my hand. I smiled.

"You're glad? Boy, you've showed me the definition of the three p's: passion, pleasure, pain. And I regret nothing." I said standing up. "Now, we should probably go down to our awaiting family."

"Family." He laughed. "I like the sound of that." He got up and took my hand as we moved downstairs to the girls in their cap and gowns with their mates-Roxie and Candy of course with everyone else watching.

"It's about time you two came down. We thought you both almost had a... moment." Roxie said wiggling her brows.

"Nope, we're saving that for when we come back." I said grinning.

"So you're not going to the party?" Candy asked. Pfft, of course not. I look disgusting in dresses now.

"Nope." I said simply with a smile. "We should probably go now though before we're late to our own ceremony." We all chuckled and headed out. The whole time Ashton drove I watched him.

"So when do you plan on telling Roxie and Candy about your babies?" Ashton asked.

"Our babies." I corrected. "And I'll tell them right when you tell everyone about Draekon." Ashton chuckled briefly looking over at me.

"You're still stubborn." He said with a smile.

"Oh, yeah? I wonder why." I grinned.

"I'm going to expose myself to the pack tomorrow night." Ashton blurted out. "It'll be like a pack meeting, except everyone will be there."

"Sounds terrifying." I said. Ashton laughed.

"Have I ever told you how great of a motivator you are?" Ashton said sarcastically. I nodded.

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