Chapter Eight: Space

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Chapter Eight: Space

I had stayed with Ash for the weekend but I knew that I would have to go home soon for many reasons: my birthday was in only a few days now and I needed to go home. Ash doesn't trust me going home so he said he'd drive me home-although I have my own car here at his house. "Ash, relax, it's been a few days since my shift, I can handle myself, you heard what Zyre said."

"But you wouldn't fight your brother, and I highly doubt you could do much with K.D." Ash said pulling up in my driveway.

"Ash, I understand you're looking out for my well being but I can honestly doubt that Kai would let K.D touch me when I say no." I said sitting in the car. Ash turned in his seat and his eyes bore into mine.

"You see, Myra, that's what I have to teach you about packs and pack masters-or alphas. And I promise you I will." Ash said.

"You're sweet, Ash, but I got this." I said opening the door to his Hummer, I got out and walked to my door. "Oh, Ash, would you mind bringing Gray back to me?"

"Just be safe, Myra, if you need me please do call me." He said. "Anyway you can." I smiled.

"Yeah, now that I have my jacket back." I grinned. He laughed and left. I stood at my door for a few minutes before unlocking the door and opening it. I walked in to be greeted by cool fresh air. "Where is everyone?" I mumbled to myself. I began to make my way upstairs only to be stopped.

"I see you've decided to come home." Kyle said from the bottom of the staircase.

"Can I have some peace and quiet for at least an hour?" I asked turning around.

"No. Come here." Kyle said walking away. I groaned and thought about it-I don't have to do anything they say. So I walked back up the stairs and went into my room. As soon as I had flopped on my bed with my phone I was instantly thrown over someone's shoulder, most likely Kyle's. "I said come here."

"And I said put me down!" I said.

"No, you didn't." Kyle said taking me down the stairs. He took me into another room and threw me down on the couch.

"You're an asshole, Kyle." I said glaring at him.

"Myra." Kai said sitting across from me. I looked at him my gaze hard.

"Kai, I didn't come here for you to bully me." I said firmly. "From here on out I'm secluded from all of you."

"Myra." Kai said again this time less patient and more aggravated.

"What?" I snapped.

"K.D will claim you, and you will stay away from Ash-" I instantly cut him off before he could even think of finishing the words. I stood up in anger.

"Don't. Bother." I said my tone daring, I could feel my nostrils flaring, and my body heat rising-I was mad. "I'm sick and fucking tired of you telling me what I can and can't do. I will not be claimed by K.D-ever." I said firmly and lowly. "If you can't deal with that you can go the fuck back to your fucking pack." Kai stood up towering me, obviously threatened.

"I'm supposed to protect you, Myra Mirandinelle, and that's exactly what I'm doing. Shit isn't right in Ashton's mind or his life and you need to butt out. I'm not leaving you here with that-that abomination, you will come with K.D and be his mate. Are we clear?" Kai said a growl in his voice. I took a step closer to him growling back.

"Ashton does a better job at protecting me than you ever could, shit isn't right with you Kai, you and Kyle are two fucked up people and you need to butt out my life. You will leave here without me, and K.D will find some other woman to mate-I'm taken." I said my eyes staring deep into the pits of Kai's soul.

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