Chapter Five: Him

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Chapter Five: Him

The guys were still awake when I got inside my house, probably because I didn’t say out late. I took my heels off and carried them in my hand. I shoved my hand in a nonexistent pocet of a nonexistent jacket and realized I left my jacket on Ash’s couch. Muttering a few curse words I knew he’d bring it to me, which was gonna be a slight problem considering Kai and Kyle. I sighed and figured oh well, whatever happens happens. I walked into a room to see them laid out on every couch, on the floor all watching the basketball game. I took a deep breath about to say something then I realized I should probably change into something comfortable. I left and went upstairs to my room and put on something a lot more comfortable. I was wearing my cotton boy shorts and a tank top. I slipped a pair of socks on and went downstairs again, by now the game was over which caused me tto turn the lights on and turn the T.V off. Everyone looked at me confused.

“What’s going on?” Kai asked.

“I wanna know the same thing.” I said my hands on my hips.

“What are you talking about, sis?” Kai chuckled.

“Kai Alexander Hector Gray, do not play me stupid.” I said my eyes narrowed. After I had said that he immediately caught on.

“How was your date with Travis and Mark?” Kai asked suspiciously. I knew before I went out the door I said I was going out with Travis and Mark, not going on a date with them. He knew already, but how? “Or should I say with Ashton?”

“How’d you even know that?” I asked smirking, he was gonna have to admit his true nature in order to get past this question. He opened his mouth to say something then shut his mouth. “It wasn’t rhetorical.” I said firmly then I searched Kai, he looked like he was battling with himself to say something. “Kai, just tell me the truth.” I said softly. He sighed.

“I’m quite sure Ash told you the majority of it from what happened with him, Kyle and me.” Kai said.

“He told me about everything except you.” I said.

“Well then.” Ash said and exhaled. “What do you want to know?”

“How’d you know Ash and I were on a date? We could have just been hanging out, or I could have scraped my knee and he came to help me like last time.” I said.

“I knew because I could smell him on you, we all can.” Kai said. “I mean I know he didn’t claim you, that’s why I’m not freaking out as much, although the only thing stopping me from going to Lakeshore to rip him a new asshole is you.”

“How would I smell if he claimed me?” I asked.

“It would be like a mixture, your scent and his combined. Any and every werewolf would know to keep their hands off of you.” Kyle said. I looked at him briefly then looked away my jaw clenched.

“Well, he didn’t claim me, and he’s not.” I said. Everyone else with an exception of Kai and Kyle looked confused.

“You’ll never shift.” Kai said. “I will do everything in my power to make sure you’re not with him.”

“You can’t control my life anymore, Kai!” I yelled at him. “Have you considered that maybe; just maybe I might like Ash?”

“Myra, you know how dangerous he is. He’s not to be trusted.” Kyle said.

“Stay out of this, Kyle.” I said firmly glaring at him. “I don’t know if you’re to be trusted anymore.”

“So he told you that too.” Kyle sighed.

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