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Chapter One: Animal

It was the last week of school and I was soo ready to get out of here it was crazy. After school I'd be free. Well until next school year. I tapped my foot impatiently my eyes intently on the clock. 5...4...3...2...1... BRRIIIIINNNNGGG! The bell rang I got up and sped out of the building. There were a lot of reasons for why I was so excited to get home: my brother's coming home from college and my parents will be away touring the world for 16 months. So my brother will be keeping me out of trouble until they come back.

I jumped in my car and slipped my aviators on and sped down the street heading home. I have a tendency to drive extremely fast whenever I'm excited about something. I pulled up in our driveway and got out my car, locking the doors. I grabbed my book bag and unlocked the door to my house. As soon as I stepped in the first thing out my mouth was, "IS HE HERE?!"

"MYRAELLE!" my brother shouted my nickname throughout the house. I searched for my brother and found him in the lounge room with a few other people but I wasn't concerned with them.

"KAILANDER!" I shouted using his nickname. I hugged him and he squeezed me tight lifting me up off the ground. He set me down and I took a step back to admire my big brother. "Good God you've grown." he chuckled and pinched my nose.

"I've grown? Look at you Myra you're beautiful." he said. I blushed and shrugged.

"I'm average, Kai." I said.

"Still modest." he said his brow raised.

"It's only been 4 years, just because I hit puberty and my grow spurt doesn't mean I've changed that much." I smiled.

"You got your braces off." he said looking at my teeth.

"I figured I wanted to hit high school on a positive note and not have replays of middle school." I shrugged.

"Aww come on, Myraelle, it wasn't that bad." he said nudging me. I smiled wryly.

"Yeah, right. Wasn't bad for you, everyone wanted a piece of Kai Alexander Hector Gray." I said his name mockingly.

"Is that jealousy I detect baby sis?" Kai asked his bright eyes dancing with amusement. I shrugged.

"Yes." I grinned. I hugged him again. "Jeez, you look grown up. I feel extremely young."

"You're what? 17 years old now?" Kai asked.

"And you're what? 21 years old?" I asked smiling. He chuckled.

"So where's mom and dad?" Kai asked. I looked confused.

"What do you mean? They're not here?" I asked.

"Nope, no one was here when me and my friends got here." Kai said. That's when I realized I forgot all about his friends.

"Oh my god! I'm soo sorry, I'm so rude! Hey! I'm Myra, Kai's little sister." I said introducing myself. They laughed a bit.

"We've heard a lot about you, Myra." one said. I looked at Kai who just grinned happily.

"I talked about you to them as much as I talked about them to you." Kai said. My eyes widened.

"This is them?!" I asked. "Then I know who you guys are! Let's see if I can get your names right: blondie you're Kyle, brownie you're... Wade I think? Ginger you're Kris I remember that cause I love gingers, and dirty blonde is Dylan. I think."

"Wow sis, didn't think you'd get it right." Kai said impressed. I squealed happily.

"I knew I'd remember! We since we practically know each other like we've been friends for years then it's safe to say we can skip the formalities." I said. "Hey guys!"

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