Chapter Thirty-Two: Proud

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Chapter Thirty-Two-Proud

" thing I fuckin' know is that Ashton's kicking ass side by side with his son..." Zyre exaggerated telling the story to everyone who wasn't at the battle. I watched Ashton's facial expressions to what everyone was saying.

"How's your arm?" Draekon asked sitting down next to me. I smiled and looked down at my cast.

"I can't feel anything, so I guess I feel fine." I shrugged. "Thank you for saving me back there." He shook his head.

"I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I let them ravish you." He said. "You're unique, women like you only come once in a lifetime."

"Well ain't that the truth." Raziel chuckled in our direction. "She's one of a kind." Ashton smiled looking down at me, he pulled me closer to him.

"I dunno what I'd do without her." He said honestly.

"You'd probably end up with that fag dyke bitch Cara." Kai said as if her name were disgusting, Stella laughed.

"Cara? As in the "bisexual" Australian from high school?" She asked laughing.

"Whoa! She was bisexual?" Zyre asked. "How'd you know?"

"She tried to sleep with me." Stella shrugged. Zyre just gaped. "It didn't happen so calm down."

"Still a dog." I chuckled. Zyre flicked me off. "You're lucky I'm comfortable right here or else I'd beat your ass with my cast."

"I honestly believe you would." Zyre said, I laughed and shook my head.

"No, I wouldn't. I'm trying to stay away from bad things from now on." I said looking up at Ashton.

"I think we could all stay away from bad mojo." Quinn said leaning against a wall. "After all, you guys have a family to take care of now." Draekon met eyes with Quinn and they shared a knowing glance.

"Uh-oh, what did you two just see?" I asked nervously.

"Only more kids in your near future." Quinn shrugged.

"How soon?" I asked feeling my palms get clammy.

"Myra, relax." Ashton chuckled.

"Easy for you to say, all you have to do is knock me up. I take care of the rest." I said. "So how soon?"

"Just know it's soon." Draekon said with a smile. I groaned, facepalming myself with a heavy sigh.

"It's your last set." Quinn said. "But why wouldn't it be, Ashton already had five kids."

"Yeah, but it's not like I can inherit anything." Draekon shrugged.

"Don't say that." I scoffed.

"No, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Quinn and I have established our future. I'll be out and about with him for the rest of my life." Draekon said. "He's quite an interesting man."

"Wait, you're gonna leave me?" I asked Quinn. He smiled a little.

"I'll always be with you, Myra. But we can all agree you need to spend the next two decades with your family. You're a mom now of four unique kids. You don't need us." Quinn smiled. "You're a smart woman."


"But nothing, whenever you need me I'll be there." Quinn promised. I didn't care that he had a point, or that I did need to focus on my family. The only thing that ran through my mind was that he was leaving me and I had to accept it.

(A couple years later)

"MOOOOOOOM!" I heard Paine call from another room. I shook my head already knowing what she wanted to talk about.

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