Chapter Seventeen: Waiting

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Chapter Seventeen-Waiting

He woke up before I did, I actually didn't even want to wake up just yet, but I felt the bed shift then I felt the lack of warmth. I groaned and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and saw Ashton stretching. I admired the way his muscles rippled in his back.

"Sleep well?" Ashton asked turning to me. My eyes looked everywhere but his face. "I'm up here, cupcake." I blushed and looked away completely.

"Yeah, I did. How'd you, um, sleep?" I asked.

"Better than I had in a long time." he said putting his hands behind his head. I felt my mouth water at how delicious he looked at the moment.

"Why are you so hot." I mumbled under my breath. I saw him give me a sexy smirk that had all kinds of bad things running through my mind. "I should probably leave." I said quickly trying to get out of his bed, I crawled out and fell because my foot got caught in the sheets.

"Uh, are you okay?" Ashton asked reaching to help me up, I jumped away from him quickly.

"I can't let you touch me." I said standing up and backing away from him.

"Why? Afraid you'll break your rule again?" Ashton asked smirking.

"Because I want you so bad right now that I will willingly take this lingerie off and let you claim me over and over and over again." I said backing up to the door. "Because I want you to ravish me and I can't let you off that easily." I said backing into the door. I put my hand on the knob.

"Or maybe I should keep you in here because I feel the same way." Ashton said making his way to me. I shook my head quickly.

"I'm supposed to be making you suffer." I whispered. "Don't taunt me."

"Too late." Ashton grinned, and with that I opened the door quickly and walked out shutting the door behind me. I put my head against the door and slid down it. Why did I just turn down that offer? I heard the clearing of throats and I looked up and saw Raziel, Zyre, Xenon, Marce, Callum, Seth, and Kyle all looking at me with amused expressions.

"Spent the night with Ashton, yeah?" Zyre asked.

"Oh my god." I said my eyes wide. "Go back to bed!" I said and quickly ran into my room. It took me a minute to gain my composure after all of that, after I did I took my shower and I got dressed, then I went downstairs to the kitchen to see I was the late one. I avoided everyone's gaze as I made breakfast, it was far too awkward for me.

"So how was everyone's night?" Xenon said an obvious grin in his tone. I looked up and glared at him.

"Average." I lied shrugging.

"Interesting." Ashton said amusement obvious in his tone.

"I'd have to say we all had an interesting night, with Myra showing off and all." Kyle said.

"Myra did a lot of things last night." Raziel said holding back a grin.

"Yeah, she did, dad." Ashton said. With that I slammed everything down and glared at everyone.

"Drop it. Now." I demanded. Everyone just grinned.

"Why so hostile?" Zyre asked.

"Cause we caught you coming out of Ashton's room twice?" Xenon asked. "Yeah, we all saw."

"Mind telling us what happened?" Callum asked smirking.

"No, because nothing happened." I said stubbornly.

"Should we ask Ashton?" Seth asked.

"Why are you all gaining up on me?" I asked my arms crossed.

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