18 | Wine drunk

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Warning: mature scenes coming up

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Warning: mature scenes coming up

Brandon is standing drunk at the kitchen counter. Giving a show to all of us. I could see the smile forming on Amelia's face when he starts to lip-synch. "I never thought that he would do this. But I am not complaining." She lays her legs at mine and keeps her wine cup close to her lips.

Lyra on the other hand is trying to have a conversation with Felix. He could care less about her and he is giving me signals to help him. But I ignore all of them because he deserves this. He needs to be more open to people and I guess that Lyra has made it her job tonight to make him talk to her.

"That man has a big alcohol tolerance but when it comes to wine. He just doesn't know how to handle it anymore." Brandon starts to sing for Amelia who happily sings back to him. She has been so happy for the past few days that even the guys of the team have been asking about her. They want to know if they can finally talk to her without her biting their noses off.

I told them it was at their own risk to talk to her. I am quite sure that she is capable to kick their asses whenever it is necessary.

"Wine is too much for a hockey player?" She starts to get out of the couch making her way over to Brandon who is now beaming of excitement. I could see the smile forming on his face when she gets on top of the kitchen counter to dance with him. She had probably drunk less than him but she is getting in the way of getting as wasted as him.

She could barely get on top of the counter without falling. She starts to swing her hips to the rhythm and I couldn't stop staring at her. Amelia Ross has always been the most gorgeous girl I have ever put my eyes on. She wasn't quite aware of it all. I could tell that but it is my mission to make her believe from now on that she is hot and gorgeous.

I want her to know that I am crazy for her. That I am willing to do everything for her as long as it means that she is going to spend the rest of her life with me. I had never felt like that before for a girl and it is scary for me. I am scared that I will mess it up with something stupid.

"Please tell me that you are going to pull her off that counter soon?" Lyra has finally given up on Felix who is now petting Ella beside him. He already has his phone in his hands, keeping himself busy with the games on his phone. "Because if you don't do that then I certainly will."

Lyra starts to laugh when I look confused at her. "I don't think she has told you this before but I am bisexual. And I have a preference for women if you couldn't guess that." She takes a little sip from her red wine, leaving a red stain behind at the glass with her bright red lipstick. "So, do you have a type?"

Lyra gets beside me, giving her a better view of Brandon and Amelia dancing together. She kept grinding her hips at his while he is making sure not to touch her too much. But I was not going to get jealous because of them dancing together. I trust both of them enough to know that they wouldn't do anything to me.

"Amelia is close to my type if that is what you want to know. I fall for the kind of girls that have a hard time fitting into a place but are sweethearts deep down." She couldn't describe her better with any other words. I have seen a few of the layers that Amelia has. The girl keeps a mask on with every single person in her life because it is easier that way than having to talk to them.

She would never talk about her emotions with me when sober. The only time she had ever said anything to me was when she was in a drunken state. She would never open up to me when she felt bad at anything. I know how she feels because I am just like her. I don't talk about my feelings that is why she still doesn't know about my mother.

It is probably the reason why I am so scared to go alone to my parents' house because I don't want to see my mother leave. I don't want to see her die because of something that she doesn't even know how to control. I know that I am selfish by just calling her every single day to know how she is feeling. I know that I should be a better son but I am scared.

"Just remember that Amelia is quite hard to get to know. It took me a long time to become friends with her. She just needs time but she is worth it all." Lyra makes her way over to them, her hips already moving to the beat. And the smile that took over Amelia her face when she sees her best friend next to her, was worth every single thing I went through with her.

Even the stick being thrown at my head at practice once.


Our clothes come off easily. I am naked and rolling on top of her, one leg sliding between hers. She lifts her hips up. She parts her mouth, giving me access to kiss her deeper. I swirl my tongue over hers, letting a groan leave my mouth. "You sure that you are alright, Carson?"

I trace a path from her jaw to her neck with little kisses. "I am at the place where I want to be. You in my bed." Trying to find what the place is that she loses her mind. Just above her collarbone, I hear a desperate moan leave her mouth. I was not going to let her forget what I am capable of.

I suck on one of her nipples while my other hand is squeezing her breast. I give them both enough of my time. Enjoying myself as much as she is. "No more teasing, please." She told me that she would never beg. But here she is begging for me to stop teasing her. "I need you."

I push one finger inside her. Nothing else is on my mind other than her riding my finger. She moves her hips while I push her down, letting my mouth suck on her clit. "Just stop teasing me." She grips my hair tight and I let a chuckle leave my mouth. Even now she is bossy.

I stick another finger inside of her, and with my other hand, I start to make her hips ride my fingers. My room is filled with her desperate moans and I love it. "I am close now." She grips my hair so tight that I am scared she will rip it out. But then, her head falls back on my pillow with a big breathe leaving her mouth.

"We are not done yet." I get on top of her and she wickedly smiles at me. She grabs the condom at my nightstand and starts to put it on me without locking her eyes on me. "We only just got started, my love." I start to move, slowly making her roll her eyes at me.

"Carson, please." I place one hand at her neck, choking her a little bit. She grins at me while wrapping her legs around my waist, pulling me closer to her. "Faster and more." I start to thrust my hips faster into hers while I grab the headboard with my other hand.

She comes first, that is something I had promised her would happen. A bit after her, I come too with my head resting against the headboard now. "Who had ever thought I would give in eventually?" I hear her laughter when I get on my back while she lays her head on my chest. "I knew that you had a soft spot for me, Amelia."

"You wish, Carson Logan." And I really did wish that. I want nothing more than know that she feels the same way for me as I do for her. Because I am crazy in love with her and I am scared as shit because of it. "Please remember that you can always talk to me."

She leaves a few little kisses behind at my chest before laying her head at it again. "I am aware of that, Amelia. You don't have to worry about me." She looks up at me, giving me a little smile that makes me fall in love with her more.

I am a fool in love.

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