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After the little mishap on the stage, we all got sent to the Dean's office. I hardly listened to anything anyone said, and just stayed in the back with Luis. Then, actual school started. One word I used to describe it was HELL.

"It's been said..that the present is to the past...like a dwarf...on the shoulders of a giant. If the dwarf holds his seat, he can, indeed, see further than the giant. But beware if the dwarf should grow careless and forget his place." Our history teacher exaggerated. Then out of no where, he slammed a book on his stuffed gnome.

I sat next to Adam, but in-front of Luis. I gave Adam a 'wtf' look. He just shrugged his shoulders in utter confusion. "History is a giant..get ready to ride." Is the last thing I remember our teacher saying before I completely zoned out.

Walking down the hallway with Luis was odd. The cheerleader that I had seen from this morning was walking in front of us and Luis was checking her out. "Hey what's he lookin' at?" I heard a voice say from behind us.

Suddenly Luis was rammed into the locker which caused him to shove me in the locker. "Son of a bitch!" I growled in slight discomfort and pain. "Ow! Hard check into the board. That has to hurt." Some kid commentated in a sports broadcaster voice.

"You okay?" Luis asked in concerned. One of his hands was on my cheek as he was examining me, making sure I wasn't hurt. "I'm fine, my arm just stings a bit, but I'll be fine." He weakly smiled and put his arm around me as we walked to the locker room to get ready for practice.
"I'm still really sorry for what happened earlier." Luis apologized as I was putting my skates on next to him. "Luis it's fine, you didn't push me into the locker on purpose." I reassured him.

"But still, I feel bad." He sighed. "Mendoza! She said it was okay, stop being so apologetic!" Guy exclaimed making me snicker. We were all walking out on the ice, but I turned around to see a half upset Luis.

"Hey, I promise you I'm not mad. I don't think I could ever be mad at you, you're my best friend." I softly smiled and kissed his cheek. "Does that make you feel better?" I asked.

He softly smiled, "Well...yeah, I love you." He said side hugging me while still walking. "Aww, I love me too." I joked making him laugh.

"Damn this rink is nice." I commented. "Big deal." Fulton said shaking his head. "They look pretty good." Luis added. "Man, they sure won a lot of championships." Julie said with wide eyes.

"They're not so hot." Charlie said glaring at varsity. "C'mon guys we can skate out there." Connie announced as we followed her onto the ice.

As we were stepping onto the ice, varsity was already trying to pick another fight with us. "Well if it isn't captain ducky." Rick Riley teased and the poked Charlie. "Hey get your hands off him." Fulton growled. "Ooh, a Bash Brother. I'm so scared." Cole snickered. Soon enough Coach Wilson broke us up and we were able to skate.

The first thing we did might you ask. A cowboy roundup. I skated as fast as I could. I was holding onto Connie who was holding onto Julie, trying not to get roped. Soon we went our separate ways and I skated and held onto Luis. "Get off me Hall, this is every man and woman for themselves." He joked and I let go of him only for him to crash into the wall. I busted up laughing at this and then soon realized that Dwayne was right behind me and getting ready to catch me.

So I did the next best thing, I threw myself on the ground in hopes that he wouldn't be able to stop in time to get me. I was right and now he was after Charlie. Now this is where tension hit, Dwayne had caught Charlie, but now our new coach was here.

"My name is Coach Orion. You can call me "Coach" or "Coach Orion." He introduced. Charlie then put his hand out, "Well you can call me "Charlie."

"That must be what that 'C' on your jersey stands for. It sure doesn't stand for "captain." You see this is where I once again zoned out, I have a hard time paying attention unless I'm in a game. The last thing I remembered was him telling Charlie to do laps because he got mouthy.
"I will teach you to play like what? Starts with a "w." Charlie yelled. "Wussies." Guy answered. "That's right. Wussies on offense and defense."

"Defense, defense, defense!" Russ started grunting which was giving me a headache. We all sat down and I laid my head on Connie's shoulder. "I'm so fucking tired." I sighed heavily. "Language." Goldberg scolded.

"Don't tell me what to do or I'll cuss you out in so many languages, that you'll be left stuttering like Bill from IT." I snapped. Everyone looked at me like I was nuts.

"Man I forgot how snappy you are after practices and games." Russ complained. I shook my head and ignored him. Then coach came in talkin about grades and a whole bunch of nonsense that I didn't really care to hear. Connie got up, "Hey, he posted our positions."

This is where we learned that Adam made varsity. He looked happy and upset at the same time so I got up and hugged him. "What's this for?" He mumbled into my neck. "You look like you need a hug, plus I'm gonna miss playing with you." I pulled away from the hug and frowned.

"Don't look so sad Banksie, you'll do great on varsity and we'll come to all of your games. RIGHT GUYS?!" I said loudly to get their attention. They all just mumbled weak ass responses. "Don't worry we'll be there for you. I'll make sure of it." I reassured him.

"Who's captain Tibid?" Dwayne asked and I gave him a 'wtf' look. T.b.d, did he not know what that meant? "Oh that means to be determined." Guy explained. "Ohh, I see. Well, no I don't. That's your job Charlie." We were all pretty bummed out now. Charlie has been a pretty good captain so far, but maybe coach was just trying to humble him.

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