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Today was the day that I was both excited for and dreading at the same time. I got dressed into some sweatpants and a random shirt because I was gonna have to get in my hear anyways, so dressing nice was the last thing that was on my mind.

I walked out of my dorm to be met with Russ and Julie. "You've looked like you've had better days." Russ joked. I didn't say anything back, I was too focused on what happened last night. "Yo Hall? Are you good?" Russ snapped in my face.

"I'm cool." I mumbled. They new something was up, but no longer pushed me. We soon made it to the locker room and everyone had their eyes on me. "What's your guys's deal?"

None of them said anything. They just looked at me with pure sympathy in their eyes. I'm guessing they heard about Luis and I's conversation last night. "Don't get emotional, not right now." Was all I said.

"Don't get emotional, not right now." I could hear the tiniest crack in her voice when she said that. I feel horrible. At this point the team pretty much has had it with me. I don't blame them. I don't even know what is getting into me.

I watched her walk over to her gear. Earlier I had written her an apology letter. I watched her open it and scoff. She then ripped it up and went to the garbage can. "Serenity I-"

"Don't. You didn't have the time to listen to me, and actually hear what I had to say yesterday. You don't get to be heard anymore." She said, and shoulder checked me hard.

One thing about Serenity is she doesn't give 2 shits who she's around. If you do something wrong and she wants to call you out, she'll do it in front of everyone. "And I thought you learned to leave well enough alone. You just can't get it right. Can you Mendoza?" Julie said.

"Just wait until HE hears about this." Averman mumbled to Russ. I knew he was talking about Jesse. "Jesse isn't gonna do shit, unless you guys keep your damn mouths shut." I hissed.

"You see Luis, it's not up to us to tell the other nightmare twin. At the end of the day, NONE of us have the right to do that. That's all of us except for Serenity. You see, she can tell her brother anything she wants, and you can't stop her. You better be thankful that Jesse hasn't showed up already, because you know damn well that if he knew what you've done, that you wouldn't be here right now." Connie lectured.

By this time Serenity was on the other side of the locker room doing something. "Yeah, the only reason why she hasn't told Jesse is because she ain't a snitch." Russ chuckled.

I just shook my head and sighed. We were doing so well. Why do I have to screw everything up? All I do is hurt her, but I love her so much. Sometimes I wish that I'd never gone to Eden Hall, maybe I would still have my best friend.

After telling Luis off, I had gone to another section of the locker room to change. Once I was done, I sat down and closed my eyes. I was so stressed, stressed about this game, Luis, and my life as a whole. What happened to everything? Why was everything falling apart? I had to shake this feeling. The game was about to start, and I couldn't be like this.
We all headed onto the ice. I shook my worries and pushed them to the back of my head. "This is for Hans." Charlie said as we all skated into a circle and touched the ice. It was a Norwegian symbol of respect.

I was normally a starter for games, but earlier on I'd asked coach to move me to 2nd line because starting wouldn't be the best option for me in this game.

From the start we were getting bashed on left and right. I watched my teammates get flipped over, checked, and hooked so many times. Soon enough I had to go in as a sub for Averman. He got checked hard as fuck into the board, but we drew the line when a varsity player purposely forced his knee into the board near Averman's head. "Hiya coach." Averman smiled, he was so out of it.

I was flipped over so many times by Rick. I new my ass was gonna get handed to in this game. "Stay down princess." He spat. I got up quickly and skated hard. No goals were scored by either side yet, and I was fine with that. As long as varsity stayed at 0, I was fine.

Now it was Guy and I guarding each other. I had the puck and Guy was right behind me, keeping a varsity player from me. Suddenly, Guy got checked hard into me and we both fell into the wall. With neither of us getting up, then everything went black for me.
We all thought that they would get up, but no. There was still movement from Guy, the crowd was dead silent so we could hear him wincing in pain, but Serenity. She wasn't moving. "Coach! She isn't moving!" Dwayne yelled.

"Holy shit!" Connie exclaimed. They were able to get Guy off the ice, but we all skated to Serenity. They took her helmet off, and checked her pulse. "She has a pulse! I think she just fainted." A paramedic said. They were able to get her on a stretcher and take her to the locker room, but we had to keep playing until the buzzer went off.
We had a few good plays, and just when we were about to score, the buzzer went off. It was time to got to the locker room.

By this time, we walked into the locker room, and Serenity was up and the paramedics were trying so see if she was 100% okay. "How many fingers am I holding up." A guy said. "7." Serenity answered.

"Are you feeling lightheaded?" A guy asked me. I shook my head yes. He then gave me some type of medication to swallow. "Coach, try not to let her close her eyes, she may have a slight concussion and if she does it's best not to let her sleep for a few hours." Coach nodded and the paramedics left Guy and I with medical supplies.

"Alright Ducks. Keep your heads up. You're doing amazing." Orion complimented.

"But they're cheap shoting us to death." Luis groaned. "Yeah, I mean look at Serenity and Guy. Guy looks half decent, and Serenity looks half dead." Goldberg complained.

"Gee thank's for the compliment." I groaned. "It's gonna take a miracle to hold on." Charlie said.

Suddenly the door swung open, "Dean Portman is awarded a full athletic scholarship to the Eden Hall academy. I had this lying around the house in Chicago, my attorney thought I should sign it I agreed."

"It's official boys I'm back!" Dean yelled. Now we were all pumped, but I was only excited to a certain extent because my head was pounding.

Let's just see how this game ends. Either way I think we all knew that winning was never gonna change our social status at Eden Hall. Face it. We'll never belong.

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