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After last night, I started to feel really bad for Serenity. Her mom died when her and Jesse were 5. Terry was just turning 4 at the time. I didn't know that she was sexualized at such a young age, I guess that's why Jesse was always pretty protective of her.

Him being the older twin gave him a big responsibility. I remember him telling me that sometimes he felt bad that he was hard on Serenity, he taught her how to be rough, and to fight. He said that he didn't want it to be that way, but she was the only girl, and he had to make sure that she never got picked on.

I don't think Serenity blames him for the way she is and acts though. She likes being known as the trouble maker of the group, it gives her a sense of belonging.

Today was our first game as the Eden Hall Warriors. Weird. I didn't like being called Warriors, I've been a duck since I was 10. But what can I do about it? Nothing. We had just stepped onto the ice and we're headed to the box.

"Alright. Think defense. All right, hands in. Here we go." Orion said. As soon as we put our hands in, we knew what to do. "Quack! Quack! Qua-" We started, but were soon shut down by coach.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! What the hell is that? Knock that off." He scolded. "All right, "Go Team" on two."

"Here we go, one, two." Orion started. "Go team." We said unenthusiastically. I stepped back onto the ice. I hadn't put my face shield down yet, but I looked up into the crowd and saw Adam with the varsity. He seen me too and we waved to each other and he gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and put my face shield down and skated to my position.

Charlie sailed the puck over to me, and I accepted it. Skating around my opponents, I found Charlie again, he was open. I shot the puck over to him and he shot it into the net. "Yessss!" I cheered and skated over to Charlie and Fulton.

"That was a nice ass play. Serenity." Fulton praised. Charlie was all fired up and we we all happy that we scored, but it seemed like coach wasn't up for the excitement. "Alright knock off the celebration. Act like you've scored before!" Orion yelled. I just rolled my eyes and went back to my position.
I was now on the bench and Luis had the puck. He was skating as hard as he could. "Go Luis! Go!" Dwayne cheered. He was starting to get really close to the net, and he couldn't stop. "He can't stop! He's got no brakes!" Goldberg yelled.

"I CAN'T STOP!" I heard Luis scream as he somehow jumped over the net and slammed into the wall. "This poor child has got to get this stopping thing down." I mumbled to Guy as he shook his head in agreement.
It was now the 3rd period. We were doing so well, and now we're getting our asses handed to on a silver platter. "Hall, Mendoza, change it up." Luis and I both jumped over the box and skated out. Connie passed me the puck, and I skated closer to the net. "Hall watch your back!" I heard Orion yell. I peaked over my shoulder and Boom! I got checked into the wall hard. I winced in slight pain, but then shook it off and tried my best to keep the score to 8-7. Charlie on the other hand was too self centered and wanted another point.

"Charlie! Knock it off! Pass it." I yelled. Averman and Fulton were trying to get him to quit screwing around. "Charlie no! We already won!" Averman screamed. Blake had already taken out their goalie, so Charlie shot the puck. It didn't go in. It was over for us.

Blake stole the puck. I tried to stop one of their players from scoring, but it was too late. The buzzer went off and we ended up tying.
To say the least, we were all pissed. I couldn't even imagine what coach was gonna say. "The guy hooked me, alright?" Charlie excused. "We didn't need anymore goals." Ken tried to reason. "Listen I was trying to win it!" Charlie fired back.

"Well mission unaccomplished, Charlie." Averman raised his voice. "We let down, simple as that." Guy added. "Hey! You let down, I played hard." Connie growled. "Yeah man, no heart." Luis mumbled.

"Well what are we playing for anyway! Some stupid school, the alumni?" Now he was starting to really piss me off. "I mean warriors, what the hell are we now?" He continued.

"You know what? You have been an asshole ever since we got to this place and I'm getting real sick of your attitude! You're just pissed about Bombay leaving your sweet ass behind, GET OVER IT! This is not the Charlie Conway show anymore, so quit being a little bitch and start treating your friends better!" I snapped.

He knew better than to say anything back to me. Now instead he picked a fight with Russ, and it turned into a physical fight that we had to break up.

Coach then stormed in. "How long does it take to score a goal?!" None of us answered. He then chucked a hockey puck at the cork board, making us all duck down, "Less than a second!"

"That means no lead is safe if you can't play defense! Now let's get this straight, I don't give a damn how many goals you score. I want one number on your mind, ZERO as in shut out." He lectured. "You got that?!" He yelled again, this time looking directly at Charlie.

His voice soon calmed down, "Practice, tomorrow morning, got to get up early if you want to hunt Goose eggs." He then left, slamming the door on his way out.

I went to grab my change of clothes, when I realized that they weren't in my cubby. "Hey, who took my clothes?" Guy and I said at the same time. I looked back at him in confusion. I then heard the showers turn on. My eyes went wide and I hustled over to the showers.

All of our clothes and shoes were soaked in water. The wall wrote "Freshman Stink." The team groaned and I shrieked. "My J's are in there!" I went to go get them, but Julie pulled me back. "You're gonna get soaked, wait till they turn off, they're on timers."

"Fuck timers, do you know how much I paid for those?!" I complained and walked in to get my shoes. When I found them in the pile, I rushed back out to where the team was, this time soaking wet. I poured the water out of my shoes, it seemed like enough water to moisten the Sahara Desert, but in reality it was the minimal.

"You know, I've joked about killing varsity in this past week of us being here..but I think I might actually kill them, except Adam because knowing him, he's not capable of this much cruelty." I said.

"If it makes you feel any better, I have a shoe repair and cleaning kit..specifically for injured Air Jordan 1's." Russ said patting my back.

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