ᴛɪᴍᴇ ɪꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴏɴ ᴍʏ ꜱɪᴅᴇ

601 17 1

Let's just say that things are starting to seem a little more normal than usual. Our boy Adam was back!! Although I feel like we just completely ignored the way that he was treated while he was with varsity. I genuinely didn't mean to ignore him, I was just thinking of other things. In the end I apologized for my wrong doings, and he accepted the apology.

Now...it was the day of my so called "date" with Hakeem. Every time I would speak about it with Connie or Julie, Luis would give me a dirty look. Finally I got sick if it and called him out, "Luis what the fuck is your problem?" I said loud enough for our whole table to hear.

"What the hell? Nothing. Stop assuming shit." He said with attitude. "Ok well obviously something is up because you've been giving me dirty looks every time I talk to Julie and Connie about Hakeem."

"Not everything's about you Serenity. I don't give 2 shits about you and your new boyfriend." He said, and walked off. Why was he so pressed? I literally have said the bare minimum to him ever since he said that he wanted to be cool.

"I'm sorry, but if I'm not mistaken...shouldn't you be the one mad still?" Dwayne asked. I shook my head, "He's the one who wanted everything to go back to normal. Well look where we are now."

Now let's be very clear..I refused to dress up like someone I'm not for this outing. Of course I let Connie and Julie apply makeup, but they did it to where I still looked like me. I normally just wore mascara, blush, and lipstick. I liked wearing makeup at times, it made me feel pretty, but other times, I felt out of my own skin when I wore it.
As I approached the ice cream shop, I started to get little flashbacks of coming here when I was little with my mom and brother's.

"Mommy, mommy can I get a big cone this time. The one like yours?"

"Serenity sweetie, you have to get the same little size as your brothers, it's only fair that way honey."

"Yeah Renity...y-you have to be f-fair or else you will make Terry and me sad."

"Honeys, it's not about making anyone sad. It's about treating each other equally. You kids are siblings, you have to stick together no matter what, even when your daddy and I can't be here to keep you united. Got it?"

"Yes mommy. Don't worry I'll protect Renity and Terry. Even from bad guys."

"I know you will Jesse. I know all of you will."
I snapped out of my thoughts and opened the door. I spotted Hakeem and walked over to the table. He got up and hugged me. During the date we made good conversation and I actually was having a good time. After the date he walked me all the way to my dorm, but when we said goodbye he kissed me. Not on the cheek, but on the lips.

When he walked away I squealed like a fangirl at one of Tupac's concerts. I unlocked my door and flicked on the light.

"Holy shit." I gasped. "Luis how the hell did you get in here?" He didn't answer and held up a spare key. "What the fuck? Why are you being such a damn creep lately?!" He still didn't answer.

"First of all, I'm not a creep." He said. "Really because that is very VERY debatable." I sassed. "I came to tell you something." He said. He was being so mysterious and weird to the point where I just wanted to drop kick him. "Okay, spill, or get out."

"I don't want you talking to that Hakeem guy anymore." I scoffed. "Oh HELL to the no. Luis you can't dictate what goes on in my life. Don't you have Mindy? Or did she only want you for your appearances like you did me." He wasn't happy with my last comment.

"Don't ever say that I only wanted you for your body and looks, cause you know damn well that it was never the case." He got closer to me, like he was almost trying to intimidate me. "Okay so then why did you like me? Since we're on the topic, how bout' you just tell me what you REALLY wanted from me." I said, this time stepping closer to him.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that Hakeem isn't good for you." I rolled my eyes at his ignorance. "Nothing is good for me Luis! Nothing is good for me unless YOU say it is! All of a sudden, you don't want me, but nobody else can either?"

"How is that fair? How is anything between us fair? When you're the one that always gets what you want. I GET NOTHING. Nothing out of this broken friendship that we're trying to salvage."

"It's exhausting having to deal with this Luis. I want to be happy, but you're making it so hard on me. Why? I don't know Luis, you tell me. You have everything that you've wanted since you came here. You have the pretty girl, you have the sport you love, you have your team, you have a good support system and education." I just spitballed everything that I was feeling at that point, but he didn't even listen. He just walked out and didn't say a damn word.

I felt like crying. Not because I was sad though. It was like when you're so angry and stressed, that all you can do is cry. This had to have been the worst timing ever, because our big game was tomorrow. Everyone has a breaking point, but I really don't know when mines is gonna hit me. It could be tomorrow, it could be the next day, but I knew that it was gonna come on a certain day that would hit me harder than it ever had before. Only time will tell, but time is the one thing that I don't have right now.

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