ꜱɪᴍᴘʟᴇ ꜰɪɢʜᴛꜱ ᴛᴜʀɴ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴡᴀʀ

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Now I'm really confused. Ever since after school, Serenity has been avoiding me. She was even kinda snappy with me at dinner. I don't know why, I mean I haven't done anything..besides kinda fucking around with her feelings. But she doesn't know about that, right?

When we got back to Russ's room, I started to think about Adam. I don't necessarily want him involved in the prank and stuff because he's not a mean person. I really don't think he had anything to do with the whole dinner thing, because he looked pretty upset during the whole thing. So I decided to make it known to the ducks.

"Hey guys, I don't want Adam involved in the beef that we have with varsity." Charlie scoffed. "So you're on they're side now?"

"Hold up, when did that ever come out of my mouth?" I asked in a literal statement. "I don't get why you are being so loyal to Adam." Luis scoffed. I rolled my eyes. "You wanna talk about loyalty?"

"Serenity don't." Connie said trying to diffuse the situation. "No Connie, I'm not sweeping this shit under the rug, I've already kept my mouth shut for 7 hours TOO damn long!" I started to raise my voice.

"What the hell are you talking about? I haven't done anything?" Luis yelled back. "Oh really? So you didn't kiss me, practically admit you have feelings for me, and then stab me in the back?!" I yelled.

"Wait am I missing something?" Russ asked. "Yeah, your little buddy thinks it's okay to fuck around with me AND the varsity cheerleader!" Everyone's eyes were bigger than ever.

"How did you find out about that?" Luis asked. "The bigger question is what is wrong with you? How long did you think that you're lies were going to hold up? Oh and don't think that I didn't already figure out that whole cherry chapstick bullshit."

"Cherry chapstick?" Connie asked. "Oh yeah! Didn't I tell you Connie? He drug you into his little lie too." I was just calling him out left and right. "What the hell Luis?!" Connie exclaimed.

"I-I" He stuttered. "Save it. You know, you and Rick Riley have more in common than I thought. You're both dead to me." I stormed out after that last sentence.

"You're both dead to me." Was all I heard. Venom, dripping from every single word in that sentence. It stung, but I had no one to blame but myself. Serenity has said some pretty hurtful stuff to people, but never to me. This was the first time she ever got shitty with me, and I deserve it.

"Man you just screwed yourself over." Fulton said.

"You just couldn't fucking pick could you? I mean was it really that hard Luis? And then you go and drag me into your lies? All for a girl who's a senior, for a girl who doesn't even feel anything for you. You picked her over a girl who loves you, who needs you in her life, because she's been fucked over so many times, that you just being a loyal friend made her day, even when she was angry." Connie ranted.

"But excuse me, I wouldn't call you loyal anymore." She continued and then walked out with Guy behind her. When they left the guys nailed into me about how much of an idiot I was. "Look I get it alright! I messed up okay! I'll fix it, just lay off!" I yelled and then walked to my dorm.

To say the least, I was pissed after last night. I mean, who wouldn't be? Now I had to play varsity in a secret scrimmage, I guess none of us can't leave well enough alone. Luis tried to talk to me a few times today, but I just ignored him. He can go talk to the cheerleader if he wants, but it's just better if he gives me space.
Skating in a circle, we got ready to play varsity. You could see the fog from the cold air, blowing through the rink. It made it look more suspenseful in a way. Averman being Averman, thought that taunting Rick was the best thing to do right before we played, he was wrong.

I overheard Adam trying to explain something to Charlie. "Yeah right preppy!" Was all I heard come out of Charlie's mouth. I shook my head and left it be, sometimes I felt bad for Charlie, but sometimes I wanted to throw rocks at him for the way he acts. I skated to right wing, my position, I was up against Cole. Great.

As soon as the puck went sailing across the ice, I was down, but I got back up quickly and signaled Charlie for the puck. He passed it, but I was checked into the boards again by Cole, this time, he held me there. "Let go of me damnit!" I yelled. "Aww why? I thought you were just like your brother, I'm sure he could take it, but you're just a phony." He teased.

I tried to push him off of me. It was hard though, he's bigger that Dean, so I struggled until Fulton came and helped me out. "You alright?" He asked and I shook my head. "Go to the box, swap with Dwayne." He said.

"Dwayne you're up." I sat down and watched. We were getting our asses kicked. We were basically thrown around like old rag dolls that nobody liked. Charlie and Adam were going at it and before anyone knew, they were fighting. Our team jumped off the bench quickly and we were brawling with varsity.

Out of all people I knew that Rick was gonna pick a fight with me. While trying to get him off of me, one of my gloves had came off of my hand. Nonetheless I was pushed to the ground and someone stepped on my hand with their skate, cutting a deep gash into my hand. "AHH! Fuck!" I screamed in pain.

Then I heard Orion skate in. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Break it up!" He yelled. "It's a damn good thing I'm not your coach! Now get your team out of here now!"

Varsity was starting to flee, and Ken crouched down to me. "Holy crap! Your hand." He said in a panic. Blood was oozing out uncontrollably. "Well congratulations, you just forfeited whatever mental edge you might've had over varsity, now they know they own you." He scolded.

"And look, now one of your teammates is paying the price." He said pointing to me. The others must've not noticed my hand that was covered in blood. Tears were starting to stream down my face from the immense pain. Connie had crouched down to help me take off my jersey so I could use it to help stop the bleeding.

By that time Charlie was getting mouthy with Orion and it resulted in him and Fulton leaving the team. "20 laps, then hit the showers. Hall, you come to my office so we can take a look at your hand, you may need stitches." He ordered as I followed him.
"So how did this happen to only you?" He asked, unwrapping my jersey from my hand. "My glove came off, I got pushed to the ground, and I didn't get up in time before somebody stepped on my hand with their skate." He hummed in response and examined my hand.

"The cut is rather deep, so you're gonna need stitches. For now I'm gonna wrap it with athletic tape, you hit the showers, and when you're done you need to go to the sports physician over by the dean's office." I nodded as he wrapped my hand rather tight because the bleeding was so bad.

I trudged to the locker room. When I walked in everyone looked concerned. "What did he say?" Guy asked. "I need stitches, the cut is too deep for it to heal on it's own." I said. "Do you know who stepped on your hand?" Julie asked.

"No, we were all bunched up so it was hard to tell." I said taking off my gear with my good hand. I hurried up and took a shower since everyone else was basically done. After I got dressed and headed straight to the sports physician. That's when I learned some pretty interesting information.

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