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Our clothes situation was pretty irritating if you ask me. Serenity just about cried when her shoes got ruined, but Russ took them back to his dorm so he could fix them up for her.

Now I was headed to Serenity's dorm room to sleep over because I was bored. I knocked on her door loudly because knowing her, she probably had her walkman and headset on, blasting Tupac or Lauryn Hill, her two favs. "Coming! Hold on Luis gimme a second!"

Eventually the door opened, revealing a now dry Serenity. I don't know why or how, but I was insanely attracted to her. The problem was that, I was also attracted to that cheerleader, Mindy, but I didn't know how to choose. So why not just go after both of them and see which one would want me. Yeah...I could already tell that this was gonna be a problem.

Luis strolled in my room and plopped his duffel bag on the floor. "You know, this is my first time being in your dorm since we've lived here." He mentioned. "Yeah, and this is the first time in my whole life, that I haven't had to share a room with my brothers." I said.

I then sat on my bed and he gave me a confused look. "Why do you have pictures of you and everyone else, but not me?"

"Umm for the record I do have pictures of me and you, I was actually putting some of them in frames before you got here." I sassed back earning an odd smirk from him. You see, Luis Mendoza always smirked, it was just his thing, but this smirk was different, he never looked at me the way he just did.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked. "Like what Hall?" He smirked once again, this time stepping closer to me. "I'm not playing this game of yours Mendoza." I chuckled. "Ok fine, imma get bold and ask you a question. Do you have any feelings for me, that are more than just platonic." What the hell? How does he know? Well, I guess I shouldn't ask that, I guess I make it pretty obvious, but that's besides the point.

I didn't want to admit it to him, so I did the next best thing, something my twin taught me. Jesse always said, "If you ever feel like you're trapped in a corner, lie and deny. Lie until it feels believable." So I did. "No Luis, I don't have any feelings for you on that level of our friendship." He nodded slowly, but still kept a smirk.

"Ok, then imma do this. I'm gonna kiss you, and if you don't kiss back, then fine. If you do, it makes you a liar." With every word he got closer and closer until eventually our bodies were almost touching. He then grabbed the side of my face softly, and kissed my lips. Luis wasn't the first guy to kiss me, I've kissed 2 others. One was Peter Mark, he used to be on the ducks, but his kiss was during a stupid ass game of chicken.

The second guy to kiss me was out of spite. I was mad at Jesse, and to get back at him I kissed his worst enemy. Larson, from the hawks. Yeah...my brother was not happy about that, so it spiraled into a game of revenge until Terry tied us together and made us apologize and hug it out.

But Luis, he was different. Maybe it's because I actually felt some typa way about him, but I was still going to be cautious about it either way. Yes Luis is my best friend, but I'm NOT gonna be played like a fool.

Ultimately I kissed back. I had to, I couldn't resist it anymore. After about 15 seconds, we pulled away from one another. "You're a liar Serenity Hall..this..this isn't platonic." He said softly. "Maybe it isn't, but imma make one thing aware to you..if you play me, it won't be pretty for you or me." I returned in the same tone. He nodded and that was the end of it. We were something, well at least I thought it, I wasn't exactly sure.
A/N: Short Chapter..I just wanted this one to focus of Serenity and Luis.

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