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I skated onto the ice with the rest of the team, but I never stayed on to play because coach didn't think it was best for me. I honestly wasn't complaining about that because I didn't want to black out again. Of course we all knew that Dean playing was gonna bring trouble for varsity.

Portman really doesn't give 2 shits who you are, if you're a competitor to him, you're going down either way. I watched Dean try to make "friendly" small talk with Cole, but it didn't seem that Cole wanted to talk very nice. Soon the whistle blew and the terror began.

Not even 2 minutes into the game, Cole came at Dean and boy did it not go well. All I saw was Cole go FLYING over Deans back and into the glass. "Holy Shit!" I gasped. Was I expecting Dean to do that? No. Was I okay with Dean doing that? Yes of course.
We were near the end of the period, but sadly Dean got pulled out for "illegally checking" a varsity player. Let's be honest, that player was just a wuss and couldn't handle it. "C'mon ref that was a dive!" Dean argued, but there was no use, they were always gonna favor varsity.

Now this is where Portman just lightened the mood completely. This man started stripping in the penalty box. The crowd was going crazy, mostly the woman and girls because...well it is Dean Portman we are talking about.

Once Dean had settled down, we started paying more attention to the game. The ducks had to COMPLETELY tighten up. I watched as somehow Julie got out of the net, but the scary part was that a varsity player was about to score. Suddenly Adam jumped infront of the net and saved it from going in. "Oh my- thank you lord." I mumbled.
This game feels like it's been going on for ages. And now Ken got put in the penalty box for jumping off the bench too quickly. We're not completely screwed I guess, this could end in a tie I suppose.

Charlie was almost there...he coulda scored, but he dropped it back to...GOLDBERG?!

"SHOOT GOLDBERG SHOOT" We all screamed. Finally he did...he- he MADE IT!?

We won!! Shock and excitement rushed through my body. Everyone was off the benches hugging each other. I skated onto the ice to hug Charlie.

"Good job captain." I said as he smiled. "You did good too, your mom would be proud of you." He said.

I then turned around to see Mindy and Luis. They were kissing and Rick...he looked broken. I hate him with a passion, but no one deserves that. I can't do anything about Luis anymore, a person changes when they want to. It's only up to them to change for themselves, no one else can make that decision.
We had all agreed to go to Mickey's Diner to eat afterwards. I was in some black sweatpants with my navy blue hoodie and a black beanie. Charlie and Luis had invited Mindy and Linda. I had asked Hakeem if he wanted to come, but he had basketball practice right after the game so he couldn't make it.

I think that faking a smile was the hardest part about being around Luis and Mindy. I still love Luis, but what he's done to me can't be forgiven so quickly. Everyone was laughing and having fun, but me...I was quiet until my pager went of.

"Call me sis." I read. It was from Jesse. There was a pay phone right outside, but I didn't have 50 cents to pay.

"Do any of you guys have 50 cents?" I asked. "Yeah, here you go." Averman said, handing me the coins.

The pay phone was right outside the window, next to the table we were sitting at, so the team could see me outside the window.

I rang Jesse. The phone rang a few times before I heard my brother's voice in the other side of the phone.

"Hey sis. I'm proud of you." He said.

"Thanks Jess." I said. "Ya'know when I was watching the game on tv, they did a close up of you on the bench...you looked so much like mom. I know that she's proud of you." He said.

I was almost on the verge of tears. Jesse doesn't normally talk so softly like he was right now.

"And I know that the day is coming up soon, so dad is flying Terry and I out so you don't have to be on your own that day. But can you do me a favor sis?" He asked.

"What's your favor Jesse." I asked, my voice cracking in the process.

"Please don't hold it in anymore. Adam has told me about everything that's been going on between you and Luis. I know that I always told you to not show your emotions, but I can't make you do that. I know you miss mom and I know that you're hurting, so please don't hold it in." He practically begged.

Tears spilled from my eyes as my brother talked. I could tell that he was crying on the other side if the phone too. We were both breaking down.

We watched as Serenity started tearing up. I could tell that Jesse must've said something on the other line because she kept nodding her head and wiping her face.

"I've never seen her look so broken before. Like she doesn't know what to do anymore." Dean said.

All I could think about is the fact that I caused most of this if not all of this. I watched as she hung up the phone and dried her eyes.

What the fuck did I do to this girl? Why did I do it to her? I broke her.

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