Chapter : 14

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Slenderman POV

I walked through the damp forest, the air being humid and almost suffocating to breath in

Her words ran wild in my head constantly bouncing to different thoughts of why she would say such a thing, she's a human with no idea of what us monsters are really like...what I'm really like

What if I cant protect her, what if one of them accidentally loses it and ends up hurting her

I want to be there for her as much as possible yet how would one like myself so such a thing with a human

I kept walking deeper into the forest as regret and guilt filled my head

* I shouldn't have left her there by herself, she's probably thinking about so many things right now * POV end

Your POV

I went back into my room trying not to let the over excessive thoughts control my mind

I washed up and put on a normal t-shirt and some shorts, grabbed my headphones, and started to dial someone I thought I'd never call again

* Hello? *

" Hey Rin...I- "

* Y/n!? Omg! Where are you!? They've been looking everywhere for you! I thought you died you asshat! *

" No I'm not dead I'm perfectly fine, I just need advice ok? "

* You've been gone for a year and yet you just want advice? Wow *

" Look I'm going out into the city tomorrow I can meet you at the Cafe we always went to together "

*....fine, what do you need my advice on? *

" I like this um...guy! And he kissed me like 3 times, I said I loved him when we were making out "


" Rin? "

* Wow...that is alot, first off I don't think saying I love you was the right choice but I cant really help with that you know it's better if I met the person then I could help you but I can't *

" It's fine I'm just glad I got the chance to talk to you, I thought you had forgotten me "

* I could never forget my bestfriend dumbass! Your the only one I have! *

" Yeah yeah I know! I have to go so I can actually get some sleep "

* Alright, remember if you ever need me I'm only a phone call away *

" Night "

*Night y/n *

I hung up the phone as I layed in bed

" It's going to be a long day tomorrow " I soon drifted off to sleep...

Next day

I woke up quickly making sure to not waste anytime as it was already 1: 45 pm

" I must have overslept, yesterday was a stressful day "

Making sure to not to take a long time on my hair seeing as waking up with bed hair ist unnatural for me

I waited downstairs near the door on my phone for offender, I heard one of the upstairs doors open but the last person I wanted to see walked downstairs

" Oh I didn't know you were down here nicely dressed? "

* Great! Now this is awkward because I don't know what to say to him *

" I'm waiting for him "

" Waiting for who- "

" Hey! Y/n! Sorry I had to fix my hair since usually I would just let it do its own thing "

" Oh offender! Right on time actually! "

" Wait why are you going with offender? " if I didn't know any better I'd say slender was acting really strange

" What's wrong with me going out on the town with offender? "

" What's not wrong!? You shouldn't trust him! He only uses girls like you for his own satisfaction! "

" Hey! Slender! You know I'm right here right!? Who said that's why I'm going with y/n today? I just want to get to know her better "

I could see the tension between the two brothers as there argument progressed more

" I know you offender! You dont care about her! You never care about anyone! Even your own family! "

" Shut the fuck up slender! Like your one to talk! ' Oh! I'm slenderman! I always have a stick up my ass and don't know how to tell people how I feel! ' "

" Watch it offender! I'm still older and stronger than you!


And with that offender grabbed my hand dragging me out the house into the woods

Slenders POV

Why the hell does she have to be going out with him of all people!

She doesn't know what he's like on the inside! Especially when he can't controll his urges, damn it y/n! Why did things have to be so difficult with her?

I could've killed her that day and this would've never happened...

But why couldn't I kill her, why did I hesitate the way I did?

( sorry this chapter is short the bb one should be almost done so expect that soon I also want to say thank you for so many reads I appreciate all of you really I do I hope whatever your going through your able to get through it and stay strong ❤  )

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