Chapter: 21 🍋

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" Well I have to go get the pizza "

" You don't..."

" Slender I'm getting the pizza I'm not starving "

" Hes a cockblock though! I was about to-

" What? About to what? "

" You know what I was going to do don't play dumb y/n "

I blushed at his response...I did know but it's not like I was about to admit it, psh please

Walking downstairs I opened the door payed the man and set the box on the counter

I could see slenders mouth watering as he stared intensely at the pizza

" Slender you don't have to just stand there "

" Oh! It's not that I'm hungry, at least not for pizza "

" There are other things I can make if you want- "

" I want you "

Remember how in black Panter T'challa said he never freezes, well that wasn't me cause I sure froze ( RIP Chadwick Boseman )

I could feel the heat coming off of his hands when he placed them on mine...just how much has he been holding back?

" I normally wouldn't disrespect someone else's house by committing such erotic things. But in this particular case, I dont care "

I wrapped my arms around his neck as his tounge danced with mine, the heat between us almost feeling suffocating

Scooping me up he carried me to the couch making sure my head didn't hit the frame, he's just like that

We didn't break the kiss as he put me down now reaching under my shirt fondling me

Everything felt hot, it's a feeling I can't well describe it was like being in the desert but I'm not dehydrated nor tired just hot

My attempts to stop the small moans that escape were effortless

" Aww I haven't even started and your already moaning~ So cute. "

" Shut up- ahh~ mm~ all you do is talk shit- ha~ why don't you put that mouth of yours to use "

" Oh? Seems someone is bold today when it comes to want they want~ Your wish is my command~ "

" Wait Slender! I didn't mean it like that! "

10 minutes later

The room was dead silent apart from the hum of the fan and the faint noises I made masked by slenders tendrils

* Dammit I can't move, I can't even talk and he's just enjoying this, it's not like I'm not as well but I didn't think he was this much into bondage *

Trying to stop the obvious, I turned my body but was pulled back

" S-slender! Rin might come back soon. How the hell would w-we explain this? "

He didn't say anything, he just held me in place so I couldn't move

* I have an idea! *

" Mmm~ I love how you handle me, it makes me go crazy for you~ "

Looking up at me I could tell he was shocked since he had stopped

" You've never said something like that before not that I didn't like it "

" I was trying to get your attention! This is Rin's house and HIS couch. We can't do ' this ' here that's disrespectful "

" * sigh * fine, ill just continue this when we head back to the manor. Because I'm no where near done "

" You're perverted " I said while putting my clothes back on. I walked over to the pizza and warm up 2 slices for myself as sat on the couch

" You are coming back to the manor, right? "

I stopped. I didn't know what I wanted. I love slender and everyone else but I put them in danger by going back. What else could I do that wouldn't hurt the people I care for

" I don't want to indanger- "

" The others? Well your not helping by staying here, Zalgo can track you. If you think your safer with a human rather then killers then let me know right now "

" You act like I don't know that! I know I'm putting Rin at risk I wasn't planning on staying here that long maybe 2 days at the most "

" Y/n. It doesn't matter where you go your just putting yourself in more harm, the father you are away from me the more chances you have of dying! "

" So what if I die? You wanted to kill me in the first place the only reason you stopped was because you felt something towards me. Whats the difference? "

" The difference is I cared for you, I protected you. He wants you dead because your human. I wanted you dead because I thought you would expose us "

I was silent...what did I truly hope to accomplish by running away? Did I want salvation? Peace?

" Y/n you don't have to like being there, but you know you have to "

" Fine I'll go back with you tonight but I'm saying goodbye to Rin "

" I don't think that will be necessary~ "

My eyes watered with tears, Rin's blood dripped onto the floor. His smile plastered in my head

" Hello y/n, such a pleasure to meet you again. And your little friend here was sooo charming "

" Y..n please, just get out of here "

" I'm not leaving you Rin! "

" Slender? You don't look very happy to see me? You don't like father and son time? Hahaha! "

" I will rip you into shreds you foul demon "

" Oh~ Such strong words for your father. Your brothers have more controlled mouths but after all that is how I made them. As for your friend here my dear y/n you have 2 opinions 1. Try and stop me or 2. Surrender and hand yourself over. Personally I like the 2nd one "

" Zalgo! Your games are annoying me! Why are you here? I know you wouldn't just show up "

" Oh you know me so well! I do want this human but I'm here for stripes "

" Stripes? Shes not here "

" Unless the other have her "

" Exactly. So I want a trade. Stripes for her, or you could fight me~ "

" Uh slender on a scale of 1-10 how much of a chance do you have against him "

" If I'm completely honest...2 "

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