S2 Chapter : 89

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Quiet shuffling awoke me from my sleep

" Ugh...my head is killing me "

" There's water right next to you " Slender sat at a table on the opposite side

" Thanks. What happened? "

" Yumi had woken up, decided she wanted to play with Lulu and went on a rampage. The Sorceress helped by putting her under a sedative spell "

" Oh...you seem agitated "

" I'm feeling a lot of different things right now "

" Talk to me " I said while now standing right next to him

" Are you really going to ask zalgo if he can train her? "

" It was a thought but no. I wanted Splendor, Offender, and trender to help with that, each of them have their own way of doing things so I figured it would be good for her. Is she sleep? "

" In Lulu's room "

" I know you're really stressed about this "

" Im fully aware that a child is a huge- gigantic responsibility but fuck me. It's like every five minutes she's having a outburst with her powers "

" We should visit Splendor "

" What? "

" He can train her on handling her emotions better! I think it sounds great "

" I think it sounds- "

Time skip

" WONDERFUL! ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! " Splendor said throwing his niece in the air

" I'm glad you finally get a chance to spend time with Yumi "

" So am I! I can't wait to do all the things you want my little monster "

" Great. A kid running around here "

" Liu, we talked about this. No negative comments "

" Whatever, suck my dick "

" Okay "

" Wha- I'm going to my room "

Liu stormed back into the room as the three of us stayed by the door

" So, what kind of training are you looking for? "

" Emotional, please " I answered

" Okay! Let's go my little monster, we will begin your training at once "

" Do you really think he'll be able to help? " slender whispered to me looking concerned

" Yes, you of all people should know he's the most calm and that doesn't come from him being who he is. That comes from patience and control "

" I guess you're right "

" C'mon let's go "

" Go where? I thought we were staying "

" Nope. We are going somewhere else, I'm personally not that excited about it though "

" Y/n, I need to know where we're going "

" We're going to visit zalgo "

Splendors POV

" So my little niece, we will me training you on emotions "

" Why? I already know about them "

" Knowing is different from understandment. You must learn to handle them properly, starting with this "

I gestured my hand to the small blue bowl that held a mountain of rice

" This is your test "

" My test? C'mon Uncle, you can't be serious "

" You have both black and light in you. With patience, you can turn the rice either color "

" This has to be a joke. Mom and dad wouldn't put me up to this "

" I'm sorry hon but they did- "

" I'm not sorry " Liu spoke walking in

" Liu is going to sit here making sure nothing bad happens while I go handle errands "

" Wait! You can't be serious " Both of them called out to me

" I am "

Timeskip ( Your POV )

The room fell silent as none of us said anything. My knife could cut the tension better then trender did

" C'mon guys, this tension can't stay here forever- after all we all got together to talk about Yumi's future and how we intend to handle it "

" *Sigh* I guess you're right. Let's just focus on her " Offender agreed still glaring daggers at zalgo

" So you both don't want to suppress her abilities or erase her memory, correct? "

" Yes " I replied quickly

" So that leaves the training- "

" I don't think that is wise " Splendor spoke out

" Why brother? " Slender asked looking concerned

" Because she is also human, a suppression charm of some sort would be the best option for her. It would sadly take her memory but- "

" I'm sorry splendor but we already said we weren't doing that "

" You would rather ride on the possibility that she'll learn to contain such emotions, especially being a girl? " Trender asked

" What the fuck are you implying trender?! " My voice flows with rage

" I didn't mean it like that y/n! I just meant with her getting older and ' that ' change happening. We don't know how to handle that, there is no such thing as a slender woman. Only men in our family "

" He has a point. We don't exactly have a plan for if she goes haywire on confusing emotions down the line. Not saying she doesn't have a right to but..."

" Offender you can't be serious "

" I lost my arm to protect this family, I won't hesitate if....if "

Looking around the room I saw nothing but what I feared...they weren't afraid to eliminate such a threat

" You cowards... you'd rather kill your niece then help her "

" Y/n- "

" Don't even try that! She needs you all and the only thing you want to do is save your own asses! "

" What you want is the same thing as sorceress, to change the way things will turn out. She will lose control and we cannot stop her. I'm sorry y/n " Zalgo's eyes pierced mine, my heart becoming cold

" Fine. If you all can't help then I'll simply find help somewhere else "

" There is no living soul that can help you "

" You're right, there's no living soul "

" Y/n don't- "

" NO! No...my- our child deserves a life without having to worry about that and if I have to die again just to find help on the other side then I WILL! "

( Im really sorry guys that I haven't been uploading chapterz my birthday just passed so I was celebrating that and then school😵‍💫 I'm back tho )

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