S2 Chapter : 93

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" I'm sorry what?! No no no no no! I was on SOLID ground playing with- "

" Yumi. Your daughter "

" How the hell do you know my daughters name?! " I asked as my hand gripped his shirt

" I know everything. Every little thing you've done since your 16th birthday. I know you had a ex who cheated and that your parents unfortunately met their demise. What you don't know is that it was all a lie "

" What...what are you talking about? "

" Your parents died because they were paying for their sins. Your mother was a angel. The kindest one I've met. I knew her well. I knew about her fascination for humans. She switched her angel life for a human one, yet you can never truly get rid of who youve always been. So, you were born. Born with locked secrets. I ce you had died, their was no reason the secrets had to be locked. You didn't get them from your parents after you died, you already had them. You died meaning there was no room for that human side of you "

" No, just stop talking that doesn't make any sense! "

" It does. Nothing that's happened to you was by your partner, your parents, or zalgo. It was you. Your aunt knew. She always knew because she joined your mother. That's why she tried to keep you for so long, but as we all know luck runs out eventually. Now you're back, which means we must start immediately- "

" Woah woah woah! What do you mean back? I've never been here! "

" .....I'm not sure if I should even tell you "

" She has a right to know " A differen man entered the room. His skin was darker and he wore a sleeveless turtle neck shirt with darkened pants "

" *Sigh* y/n, do you know why you are so important? Why your daughter is so important? "

" Yeah! It all makes sense now! My parents lies to me, zalgo lies to me, I'm fucking half angel- "

" You're a lot more than half Hun "

" What is he talking about?! "

They both exchanged glances


" You are....the reincarnation of Micheal, one of the 7 archangel of heaven "

I could see the visible tension of the two men scanning for my reaction. I didn't even have one to be honest, my face was stuck in a permanent mouth open expression

" Are you- "

" NO! Don't even ask me that question! I'm not okay! I'm confused! I'm angry! I'm pissed! I'm tired! I want to go home! "

" You can't " the red haired angel spoke to me

" Oh my, where are my manners? I'm Gabriel, the second archangel. This over here is Azrael, I hate to say it like this but you cannot go back. We can't let him know you're here "

" Who- what- can we stop with the mysterious names?! "

" I.... "

" Why does it matter if HE knows I'm alive? I'm y/n not Micheal "

" Yes, that is true but his soul is still inside you- "

" Hold up! Was my mother a archangel? How did I even become his reincarnation? "

" I can tell you for a fact that your mother was a normal angel, I'm not 100% sure on how you were reincarnated. If I had to give my guess it's because your mother and him shared one thing in common, love for humans. Michael doing something like that- embedding his soul into a human. It's logical "

" He's always been stubborn " Azrael spoke softly

" So his soul just decided to embed itself in my body...haha, that's just fantastic "

" I know this is angering or even frustrating- "

" Frustrating?! No shit dumbass! "

" Watch your mouth before I make you " Azrael's tone shifted to one of threat

" I'd like to see you try! "

" ENOUGH! " Gabriel's robe that sat on his shoulders extended outwards till I could fully see what it was. His snowflake colored wings shined, it reminded me of a new fresh pillow case beautiful covering the once undressed pillow

" You both are giving me a headache, let's just focus on getting you into different clothes and figuring out what we're going to do "

" Why do I have to change my clothes? "

" Because you're wearing a Disney shirt with black jeans and sneakers on "

" It's stylish, and how the hell do you know what Disney is? "

" Angels can leave heaven believe it or not. You'd be surprised to learn how many angels go to Earth everyday "

Slenders POV

" I'm going to physical sew your mouth shut! "

" I'd like to see you fucking try! "


* Slender, brother. For the sake of y/n I think you should let me and offender handle this *

* Are you sure? I- *

* C'mon man, trust. We got this, splendor help me out here *

* Will do *

In the blink of a eye, 6 tendrils from each of my brothers shot out towards the fighting riot of my comrades

" You all are getting off topic "

" Yeah! The focus is trying to get y/n back- instead you guys are fighting "

The loud crashing sound of the door being opened turned all our attentions towards the front of the room

" Okay-now that he's here we can continue this whole thing " A exhausted stripes spoke with a voice laced in short breaths

" I was caught up with everything on the way here, I can't promise I'll bring her back...but I'll try "

" You better " Jeff mumbled

" I can temporarily be transported up there for at least a hour, after that I can't help "

" How do you plan on doing that? "

" I'm glad you asked "

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