S2 Chapter: 75

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3 days.....

Three god forsaken days, I've been up

I can't sleep I can barely focus on my work and I had to call out from a major surgery! Lucky it went well but that's not the point!

Liu won't talk to me

He's been ignoring me, pushing past me and everything else under the sun. On the plus side y/n and slender had left to return back to the mansion so I didn't have to worry about them getting pulled into this

" This is a disaster! How in the world am I supposed live with him if he won't talk to me? Whatever I have to tell him about the schedule "

The steps creeked as Liu came down

" Liu! Listen I know your not talking to me right now but I have to stay late at the hospital, there's a patient that needs surgery and I'm the only one to do it so don't wait up for me "

".....whatever "

* It's better than nothing *

" I'll be leaving soon so feed yourself tonight "

Strong gusts of wind greeted me as I opened the door. The forecast did say that it would be windy, I had almost forgetten to change my appearance until I grabbed my jacket pulling it around my shoulders

Without a moment to spare I quickly made my way to my car

Timeskip to hospital around 10:34pm

* Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit! Where in the hell is that nurse with the IV? I swear if we lose this patient *

" I GOT IT! "

" Thank God! With the IV running she should be okay, good work everyone! Another person successfully saved from a tumor! "

All of us cheered as we grabbed our things heading out for the night

" Bye Doctor Sylas "

" Goodbye Diane "

" Goodnight Sylas "

" Get home safe Andrew "

" I'll try man, night mils "

" Good night everyone "

Cold air filled the car lot, my keys jangled in my hands as the car beeped signifying that it was now unlocked

On the drive back I almost stopped at a McDonald's or something to eat but I have food in the house so I'll make something when I get there-

* The house...Liu.... *

My head raced with thoughts, but I wasn't going to let those thoughts get in my way of the desperate sleep and food that I needed. I pulled into the driveway not making sure to park perfectly or straight

Only one light was on and that was the living room light. I could see Liu's head from where he was sitting on the couch but I ignored it and went to go get changed. There was still left over food from the curry I made so I popped that in the microwave

Apart of me wanted to sit on the couch but before I could speak Liu spoke first

" If your going to sit down then sit down, it's annoying "

" Sorry "

I sat down quietly eating my curry trying not to piss off Liu in any way. He seemed fixated on the TV and I must have been too because it wasn't long till he said something

" Why are you staring? "

" O-oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I just saw how invested you were into the TV and- "

" You talk too much "

I was stunned by his response so much that I didn't say anything after that

" I'm cold "

" I can turn up the heat- "

" Hold me "

"......huh? "

* What! H-hold him?! Is he serious?! *

" Im not sure what you mean- "

" I want you to hold me to make me warm "

" Oh....okay "

Slowly I placed myself behide Liu as he now sat in my lap. It was kinda funny how I never noticed how skinny he was before, then again he never really gained any weight like that. The metabolism of humans surely is fascinating

Steady breath turned to keeping down my groans. He kept moving around too much

" Sorry, I'm just trying to get comfortable "

" It's fine "

* It's not fine! He's practically grinding on me! *

Like what he said, Liu stopped moving after a good minute and he was still afterwards. I would have overlooked his whole ' getting comfortable ' thing but his hand slowly creeping up my thigh prevented me from doing so

" You seem tense splendor "

" I-im not tense- "

" Are you sure? " He flipped himself over straddling me again....just like that night

" Liu, stop this ist- "

"  ist right? So what "

" So what? SO WHAT?! "

I grabbed his hands restricting them to the couch as I looked down at him

" You....you have no right to say that to me! "

His facial expression looked as if he'd seen a ghost

" For days! Days! You ignored me, shoved by me and every thing else possible.... Yet you sit here and have the audacity to say such a thing to me. Why? "

Happy, giddy, the splendorman. I've been known to be all of these and still for the first time in a long time I felt the salty taste of my own tears running down my face

" You really are the worst Liu... "

" Splendor- "

" I can't control these feelings! I don't know how! "

" You don't need to know how, let them out- "

His sentence was cut off when I smashed my lips onto his, I could feel his heartbeat while my hand ran up his shirt

" I think it's rightfully time to return the favor from you being drunk "

" I wouldn't mind that~ "

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