S2 Chapter: 76 ( this is a lemon chapter )

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" ha~ mmm~ "

" What's wrong? Can't hold it in? " I snaked as my hand stayed stroking both of our cocks

" F-fuck you, I usually do this sort of thing by myself "

" No need anymore " I quickened the pace making him squirm under me. His release spilling over my hand while the other was next to his head

" Not bad, hun~ "

" Don't call me that you fucking Slenderman ripoff "

" You should know I'm the oldest, no one is like me~ " lowering myself down I started cleaning his release off of him yet my head was pushed down causing me to gag a little

" Use your mouth for something good "

Without hesitation my tounge swirled around his cock taking in every inch he had to offer. I could feel him twitching and the movement of his body tense up

" W-wait splendor- ahh~ NGH~ "

My mouth was quickly occupied by Liu releasing a second time, I was surprised hes lated as long as he has

" Dammit.... y'know your mouth didn't have to be so fucking hot- splendor "

His sentence was unfinished by me lifting him so he was now properly under me and I had access to everything~

" H-hey what are you thinking? "

" Just relax Liu "

I slowly slipped one finger in as his hand gripped at my sweater fighting the urge to moan

" How does that feel? "

" Weird you fucker...."

" Not for long "

Skipping another finger in helped alot because it didn't take me long to find his sweet spot. Touching it lightly made Liu Jump

" Liu- "

" Don't! Just don't "

" Hm, okay "

My fingers rammed in and out of him while his head rested on my shoulder. His grip because tighter as I couldn't pull away from him even if I wanted to

" Does it hurt at all? " I asked pulling back slightly to see his face

" A little b-but not a lot "

" Good " I pulled my fingers out as they were covered in his release from earlier

" Liu, do you want to go the whole way? I need you to tell me if you want this. I need to here it from you "

"......." I almost took his silence as a answer

" Y-yes, I want it "

My body reacted on its own grabbing his sides not wasting time trusting into him. God if I didn't know any better I'd think that I'm fucking a oven, he felt so hot on the inside yet it wasn't a hot that made you jump back. It made me want to continue even more

His body rocked back and forth at the fast pace I was going. Tears started forming in his green eyes

" Liu? Is this too much for you? I can slow down if that's what you- "

Trying to talk was useless, he had pulled me down into a deep kiss that had saliva connecting our lips

" When * breathing heavy * did I say stop? "

" If you want me to continue then say it to me Homicidal Liu~ say you want me to rail you "

" Fuck that "

" Fine " pulling out I was stopped in less than a second

" Jesus alright! Rail me, there I- Ah~ Hah~ Ngh~ "

Resuming the pace that I was originally at I trusted back into him knocking the air out of him

I could see the bruises forming from where my hands were gripping his flesh. Two tendrils shot out from my back replacing my hands. They will help with the bruising as they do have healing properties

Watching my tendrils pull his body down on my cock only made me more turned on

* Fuck he feels amazing. I feel so dirty though, I've never even once said any of the things I did or even thought! I feel like offender! But I'm glad he doesn't get this... This is mine *

" C-close~ "

" Same~ "

Our release wasn't far behide as I could already feel mine coming. The last trust did it for both of us as I released inside of him and his sprayed in my sweater

" * Breathing heavily * "

" You came quite a lot there Liu "

" Your one to talk...there's cum dripping down my leg "

" We should get you cleaned up "

Grabbing Liu I carried him up the stairs and into the master bedroom. Did he fight me the whole time? Yes, but I knew he couldn't walk well so I just delt with the punches

Turning on the water for the bath I noticed Liu was quiet

" Liu? "

" Hm? Oh, sorry. I've never been in your room before. It's so dull "

" What!? "

" For a guy that wears colorful polkadots and loves kids your room sure is dull "

" What's dull about blue and white? "

" Me personally I wouldn't have white walls with blue themed sheets but that's just me "

" Y'know what? You can get in the tube by yourself! "

" W-w-w-wait! Wait! "

Short skip

Slowly I lowered down into the water letting it consume me

" Ahh. Nothing better than a hot bath "

" Yeah let's act like you didn't just rail me senseless "

" In my defense you started it by flirting with me "

" Whatever "

" I love the fact that you hate me yet I love you " I said while wrapping my arms around his waist under the water

" I hate the fact that your touchy "

My hand slowly snaked down further to his cock

" Are you sure? "

" I can't cum anymore so there's no point! "

" There is a point, I like seeing you overstimulated~ "

" H-hey we can talk about this "

" Nope~ "

" S-splendor! Wait! "

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