Chapter : 60

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" Haha. Funny "

" I'm serious. My eyes glowed and I could feel something different "

Rin signaled for his secretary to leave before continuing speaking. He got up from his chair and stood Infront of you. In a year he had gotten way taller which kinda startled you

" No joking around y/n. Are you serious? "

" Yes 110% "

".... okay you added the extra 10% I believe you. What you gonna do about it? "

" I don't know! I came here because Im overwhelmed! I just got all of them back and they changed so much- I left them! Now I'm some human who is part Angel? I'm not sure Rin! I'm confused on what to do- "

He hugged you without any words

" I think your flying to close to the sun "

" What does that mean? "

" You got your friends and your partner back. Everything you wanted is Infront of you so back off from the one thing you've pushed all of those good things out the way for "

" Hm "

" I know. Wake up call "

" This is why your my best friend "

" I know. I'm the best. I missed you y/n "

You started crying on impulse

" I missed you too, and your important now all grown up "

" Okay fuck you! I've always been grown! "

" Barely " you both stopped hugged each other

" Anybody you interested in? "

" Heh nah. All the girls I've talked to are nasty "

" Trash luck? "

" They just want me for the money "

" Relatable "

" Hey! "

" I'm fucking with you "

You both talked to each other for hours before your stomachs rumbled. Looking at the clock it had been 5 hours since you had gotten there

" Sir. Should I go home? "

" Yeah! Head home Yuno "

" Thank you "

Looking back at each other it was obvious that you had to get something eat

Leaving the office you went to the old ramen place that still stood after all the years it had been made for

" Hey! It's y/n and Rin! The usual? "

Both of you : you know it!

" Ahh! Okay! "

Sitting down at the back table you rested your back on the soft cushion that laid back of the chair

" This takes me back dude. Highschool years "

" Freshman year. This was the hangout spot "

" Yep! The best in the world "

The food was brought to your table taking no time you and Rin started eating. By around this time it was already 7:30pm

" By the way y/n, do you plan on staying like this? "

" Whatda mean? "

" I mean with the angel thing. It doesn't seem like there's anyway to really fix it except- "

" I'm keeping it. Dying IST a opinion because I won't come back if I do this time. Trust me I thought of every possible way and besides maybe it won't be as bad as it sounds "

" What abot zalrgo? " Rin said while slurping his noodles

" If I have angelic abilities then I should be able to handle him, granite it will take a while to get the hang of it but I am determined to stay with my family "

He sat back leaning against the chair

" Just a year ago, the same girl sitting with me would've said otherwise "

" Forgive me for changing but it was for the better "

" Yeah. I'm guessing your heading back? "

" I can't. I'm afraid I might have an outburst and hurt the others "

" I know a really good hotel that- "

" I'm staying at your place Rin "

" Excuse me? "

" To be honest your the only person I can trust in this situation. So your house it is "

" I wish you would've warned me first "

" Why? "

" My brother is staying with me right now "

" I don't mind. I already texted clockwork that I might not be home for a while "

" Well. No point in waiting "

Exiting the ramen place you both took rins car back to his house. A fairly nice one indeed, your jaw almost dropped when you entered and saw that it was bigger on the inside

" Welcome to my house, curdisy of me "

" Woah, I didn't know you were living like this- "

" Who did you invite this time? "

" Ugh. Hayate, you remember y/n right? "

" Y/n? Oh! Yeah! Your that girl everyone was talking about! "

" Hayate can you not- "

" The slut, the whore, the girl who let everyone go down on her. Yep. I was wondering why you looked familiar "

" Hayate! "

" It's fine Rin. None of those stories are true so I'm not upset about it, besides it was years ago "

" They weren't true huh? " He walked down the stairs until he was right in front of you

" Didn't you fuck my brother? "

" Dude what is your problem- " you stopped Rin before he could talk anymore

" No. I didn't. Im pretty sure you were the only person who I didn't get to, what a shame "

He gave you a pissed expression before storming off

" Huh? I thought you didn't- "

" Zion was the only person who I slept with and when we broke up he spread rumors. His friends went along with it so people believed it, he's just mad cuz he thinks I didn't want him "

" Oh, wait do you? "

" Maybe back then but no. I have slender "

" Hehe "

" What? "

" Are the legends true? Them tendrils doing you well? "

" Fuck off Rin! And yes they are- I only know that because I've seen him stop Lazari from falling "

" Uh huh. Sure "

You lied for obvious reasons more for your privacy. The first night sleeping there was weird, you were used to slender sleeping next to you or at least the comfort of your own bed. Thinking about the current events made you even more tired causing you to fall asleep for the night. Until tomorrow

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