Chapter : 45

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Nausea set in again...I could feel myself being pulled into sleep

All I heard was my name being called before pitch black was now all I could see


" Hey dad! "

" Yes sweetie? "

" How come your able to kick a tree and break it? "

" Well runs in the family! Yeah! It's a hard kicking family you come from! "

* Wait...that was the summer of 4th grade *

" Woah! Did you see that Talia?! Mom just threw that guy! "

" Are you girls alright? He didn't touch you? "

" No! We're fine! But that was cool! "

* That time we went to the mall and almost got kidnapped

" This has gone on for far to long, it's time to end the fun "

* Zalgo! *

" * Gasp! * "

" Y/n? " I smacked his hand away

" What happened? "

" Your parents were just like you, determined to push their limits and break barriers. And they did. But those abilities aren't just given, they come from zalgo and the only reason the others are alive is because they are no longer human. You now have those abilities and I...we all are afraid that you won't be able to survive the changes physically "

" So zalgo killed them because- "

" They were humans who survived the transition an4d it scares him alot that you will become just like them "

" That's why everybody was scared... My parents were so stronger that it lead to their demise "

" I can't afford for you to go down that same road y/n, I just can't "

" But there's no guarantee that's going to be me "

" And what if it is? "

" Then I'll have you and everyone else right? I know you guys would stand by me "

" Yes we would but that doesn't mean you can throw yourself into danger- "

* Knock knock knock *

" Hey Slender, we got someone here to see you " Jeff stepped aside and stripes stepped in

She didn't have alot of time, Slender launches his tendrils around her neck but I quickly stopped him

" Hold fire! Stripes why are you here? And where are your horns and mouths? "

" They are still apart of me but I can control when I chose to have them out now. I see I interrupted a conversation here "

" Yes technically...but I'm happy that your doing better and came to see me "

" I am too, but I can't stay for long. Jason is waiting for me "

" Alright stripes. I'll see you on the other side "

" Same to you " stripes left leaving Slender looking at me for answers

" I'll explain everything later but I can't deal with everything right now. Ive barely been home in the following months and the first thing we do when we see each other is cause the other to black out and argue "

" I guess you have a point "

" GUESS? "

" Okay! I get it. What do you want to do? "

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