S2 Chapter: 87

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" You and me were once allies fighting the same war, please listen to my words and take them with caution "

A sigh left my body as I continued to ponder what she had said to me

" No way you're going to let this slide just because you two used to have the hots for each other! " Clockwork barked at me

" SILENCE! " the room fell quiet

" I will decide on what to do about your...detailed warning once my partner and our child awakes "

" Oh thank God! Let's get someone's opinion that actually thinks better than all of us combined " BEN pleaded

" For once I agree " Hoodie mumbled

" We are not waking her up right now, she is exhausted- "

" I think I'll decide if I'm too tired for a talk that has to do with MY child " y/n stood behind us all arms crossed, I didn't hear her open the door though

" Good " Jeff snarled still holding his knife firmly

" If you have any concerns about my daughter you may talk about it to me. I am her mother "

" You may be her mother but you're not fit to be one. You can't lead her down a path that shines in both light and darkness. This ' family ' is just a bunch of killers living and hiding under one roof. This is disappointing, even for you Hoodie. I was there y'know. Every. Single. One of you. I saw it all. None of you are ever capable of loving a child- the mere thought of something so innocent being so easy to kill thrills you. I know it does "

" FUCK YOU! We love the girls as much as we loved our families! I would never think about hurting Yumi " BEN retorted

" I'm not hearing anything interesting, I'm breaking another bone- "

" Wait " Her arm reaching out to stop Jeff

" I know you have an opinion on her training. Spit it out "

" Opinion? It's a fact! She can't train in the mortal realm! It could have multiple disasters and maybe even the death of you all! I'm trying to save you, yet the only thing you all care about is the fastest way to kill me "

" At least you know " Jeff's knife waving lazyly in the air

" Y/n, we are both very smart women. As a women talking to another women let me ask you a question. What do you think will happen when her emotions hit that point where they just happen randomly? Random anger,sadness,dear- now put all that into a young teenager who possesses the power to break the ground you walk on. That's not something I want to live through, you? "

I continued watching y/n's face as she stayed quiet

" I can help, that's all I want to do. I have kids of my own. They've all left but I would never forsake a child. Keep me locked up if you have to but let me help. I believe I can make a bracelet that can stunt her growth to more human like aging- it'll be nothing like the old one! But I can't do it without your help "

" My help? "

" Yes! You have been gifted with heavens divine blessing! Hahaha...do you know how good you have it? They never give their power to mere humans let alone anyone that is not of holy Trinity "

" I...! I didn't ask to have this power! I just died woke up in a field with my family standing there and then I woke up! I would've been content with not having these powers "

" Oh really? How many things have you been able to accomplish with thkse abilities since you had them? Exactly. I need your energy to be placed into the bracelet to hold the spell together "

" Hm "

" Once the bracelet is made I can take her to the Netherlands- "

" Fuck that " my voice ringing throughout the room

" She ist going anyway- certainly not the Netherlands "

" What are the Netherlands? "

" It's just a different way of saying hell, where zalgo is "

" She's staying here, if anything I think I have a better idea "

" Please speak it " My glance now on her

" I will talk to zalgo and see if he can train her "

" WHAT?! " Everyone's confused faces turning towards y/n

" My decision is final. Tie her mouth back up, I don't want to hear her "

Your POV

Jeff nodded at me tying her mouth back up while I made my way back up the stairs towards my room. Well the room I had before sharing one with slender

Plopping down on the bed I could feel all the stress sitting with me, it felt as if 100 pounds had been placed on me

The door opened slowly

" Y/n, talk to me "

" I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! Yumi needs us and I want to do my best as her mother but everything she said was true! How is she supposed to have a normal life with tentacles coming out her back?! What friends will she ever make? WHAT ABOUT SCHOOL- "

My sentence was cut off by his lips colliding with mine

" It's going to be okay, if you continue to stress yourself like this I'm worried it will lead to bad health "

" I'm sorry "

" No need. I'm stressed as well "

" it's only been like 4 months "

" Crazy "

" Yeah...I'm glad we have them "

" Who? "

" Jeff and the others. I'm glad they're here "

" Hey "

" Hm? "

" I know how to take our minds off of this "

" How? " His hand coming to tilt my chin up to face him

" Just relax, Mi tesoro "

" You speak Spanish?! "

" I'm over 1,000 years old of course I do "

" What did you say? "

" Don't worry about it...you should focus more on what I'm about to do to you~ "

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