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When I woke up it was dark. The bed was cold and my head hurt. My tears had long since dried and my face felt stiff. A wave of panic washed over me as I felt around the bed, looking for Alexandra. It was too dark to see anything.

“Alexandra?” I called, my voice shaking.

I slid off the bed, ignoring the sharp shooting pain in my neck. My stomach growled as I tip-toed over to the door. I cracked open the door. The candlelight outside felt so bright compared to the dark cave of the room. I blinked as I looked around. There was nobody in the hallway.

Nobody would be able to help me right now. I just couldn’t get over what I nearly did. I was just as bad as he was.

I rushed down the hallway and down the stairs into the entrance hall. I could hear everyone talking and laughing. They were probably eating together. I could stay here though. I could turn around and sit down with them. I shook my head. I couldn’t.

I opened the front door slowly and quietly. The night air felt cool and fresh against my tear stained face. The sound of crickets chirping was like an orchestra reaching a crescendo. I stepped outside, my sock feet on the cool damp grass. Now or never.

I started to run.

I took the forest path and wove through the trees. My feet pounding on the fallen leaves and dirt. Was I making a brash decision? No, I’d come back. I just needed a little bit of time completely to myself.

The Town was completely empty. Not a single stall was open but one building was. The best thing to describe it was a tavern. It was a small building that emitted a warm light. I could hear the people talking from inside when I was still down the street.

I pushed open the oak door so I could squeeze through. The tile was warm and the building was fairly empty. Goon was sitting at a booth in the far corner, a glass full of brown liquid in front of him. He was staring down at the table. He didn’t even look up as I slid in across from him.

“Hey, Goon.”

He looked up and broke into a smile. “Little Bird! Good to see you again, I was getting worried the potion took you out!”

“No, I’m okay. Well, I was.”

“Your girlfriend take care of you?”

“My boss, actually. And I don’t know. I was pretty out of it.” I shrugged and looked away to hide my blush.

“Ah! I get it!” Goon took a swig out of his glass.

“Can I get you anything?” Goon asked. I shrugged and he wavered at the bartender. “A glass of Kin for my friend here!”

“Thanks.” I rubbed my neck. “I haven’t drank Kin since I was a teenager.” Joshua would bring Kin home from here when I was a teenager. It was a really weak alcoholic drink that tastes like fruit.

“You look like you need it. What happened to you?” Goon frowned. “You’ve been crying and your neck is bleeding. . . Did Jinan. . .”

“No! Well, I mean. Yes, but we were duelling. It’s. . . It’s been a rough day.” A bartender slid the drink across the table to me. I took a sip, it tasted just like I remembered.

“I’ll say. . . What brings you here without a chaperone?” Goon laughed loudly. “Did you run away?”

I flushed red. “I’m going back! Eventually. . .”

“Why’d you leave?”

I sighed. “I felt really overwhelmed there. I just wanted a quick break.”

“Alright, I won’t push. We’ll sit here together until you feel right.”

I laughed. “Thank you, Goon. . .”

Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now